Happily Ever After : Chapter 71 (Final)

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"I SAID SURRENDER TO ME! NOW!" Zan Jin growled.

"Nie Mingjue never bows before anyone." Mingjue snarled.

"Damn! Mingjue is it that hard for you just to surrender me and say that you love me?!" Zan Jin looked into Mingjue's eyes.

"Huh?!" Mingjue, Yu Bin, Bowen and Zhan's jaws slacked.

Zan Jin sighed before throwing his gun away and pulling Mingjue into a kiss by snaking his arms around the taller. Mingjue was so bewildered that he kept staring at the blank space while Bowen, Yu Bin and Zhan's jaws dropped to the ground to the extent that it wouldn't come to its original place. Yibo chuckled and shook his head at Zan Jin's actions.

After a few seconds, Zan Jin pulled away from the kiss. He cupped Mingjue's face, making the latter look into his eyes.

"Mingjue, I love you." Zan Jin's lips stretched into an infamous smile, showing his cute little dimples.

Mingjue, Bowen and Yu Bin were still in a daze as it was too much for them to process.

"Zan Jin, I asked you just to threaten him, not to kiss him in front of everyone." Yibo chuckled as he walked towards Zan Jin and bent down to lift the gun. "Here take it." Yibo gave the gun to Zan Jin. "Nie Mingjue, just accept Zan Jin now," Yibo screamed. "It has been a month and Zan Jin is continuously pestering me with various questions about you."

"So...this all was a plan?!" Zhan was the first one to snap out of his daze.

"Of course." Yibo shrugged his shoulders. "Seemed real?"

"I am sorry for making everyone worry." Zan Jin said shyly.

"It's okay Zan Jin. It was my plan after all." Yibo smiled.

"So, you did all this just because you wanted Zan Jin to confess to me?" Mingjue said pointing towards himself.

"No. I did this so that you can confess him." Yibo shook his head. "It was me who helped Zan Jin to get bail from jail and then sent him to London. The recent mafia gang that rose in London which became as powerful as Mingjue's gang belongs to none other than Zan Jin. And yes, it was me who blocked his entire servers so that you guys cannot track his whereabouts, especially Zhan. His technology so powerful that it can track anyone. I really had a hard time during the time of helping Zan Jin."

"You could have just told me, Yibo. I would happily helped you." Zhan walked over to Yibo.

"I know my husband." Yibo smiled. "But I wanted Zan Jin to become as powerful as Mingjue so that he can help Mingjue in dealing with mafia and become an ideal husband for him." He turned towards Mingjue. "Mingjue, don't you think its time for you to accept him? It already has been one month since you told Zhan about your feelings and here Zan Jin is dying to see you."

"I...Zan Jin." Mingjue looked at Zan Jin. Tears of happiness swelled in his eyes as he saw the pure love in Zan Jin's eyes. He gently cupped Zan Jin's face, making the latter look at him. "Zan Jin, I love you. I love you much that I can leave the entire mafia just for you."

"Don't you dare!" Zan Jin glared. "If you dare to leave mafia then I will abandon you. I didn't spend the whole month forming a mafia gang so that you will leave yours. I wanted to form a strong mafia base to support you, Yibo and Zhan."

"I won't ever let go of you and my mafia gang." Mingjue smiled before pulling Zan Jin into a soft kiss.

"Again." Yibo chuckled and looked at his husband who was standing just before him. "Zhan, I suddenly miss your kisses."

"Hm?" Zhan arched his brow. "You said you are going to meet your father but you came here instead. So you want to be punished so bad, huh?"

"If you are planning to punish me tonight, then let me tell you, I am not in the mood to do anything. I just want you to cuddle me to sleep." Yibo smiled before pecking Zhan's lips.

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