Spending Time At Yibo's House(1): Chapter 27

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As they looked in the direction, all were left thunderstruck while Zhan's blood ran cold.

"S-shijie?!" Zhan blurted out as he slowly stood in his place while his eyes were didn't dare to look anywhere except Xuan Lu

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"S-shijie?!" Zhan blurted out as he slowly stood in his place while his eyes were didn't dare to look anywhere except Xuan Lu.

"Jiejie, why are you here?" Hao Xuan smiled awkwardly, standing before Zhan.

"Cannot I come to my university!?" Xuan Lu said in a cold authoritative voice.

"A-ah...shijie, why don't you join us to have some drinks?" Ziyi smiled as she went to Xuan Lu to distract her.

"Stop covering for him." Xuan Lu said looking into Ziyi's eyes.

"Huh!?" Ziyi looked at Xuan Lu as if she didn't know what she did. "What are you saying Shijie!?"

"Zhan! Come out." Xuan Lu screeched.

Zhan hesitantly walked beside Hao Xuan while trying to cover his face. Seeing the hesitation in Zhan's eyes, Yibo stood before Zhan. "Lu jiejie, actually Zhan got toppled over a stone and fell. So he got hurt. It's nothing serious." Yibo smiled.

"Do you want me to believe in your excuses?!" Xuan Lu stood a few centimeters away from Yibo. "Well, then why Hao Xuan have bruises too?" Xuan Lu gazed at Hao Xuan who immediately lowered his head.

"A-ah, actually...Hao Xuan and Zhan were running so both of them fell together." Jiyang hesitantly said playing with his fingers.

"Really!?" Xuan Lu chuckled without any humor. The next moment she glared at the players. "As far as I know, Zhan and Xuan are not kids, so they won't run randomly in University. So there is no possibility of toppling over."

Zhan, Yibo, Ziyi, Jiyang and Hao Xuan nervously looked at each other. Even after trying so much to cover the truth, the luck wasn't on their side. They were standing nervously as if they were the scapegoat for sacrifice.

"Zhan!!!" Xuan Lu shouted, running out of patience. "Care to explain now!?"

"S-shijie..." Zhan raised his head while a type of fear was prominent in his eyes. "Its...I..."

Xuan Lu walked over to Zhan. As Xuan Lu stood before Zhan, he again looked down avoiding her gaze.

"Zhan." Xuan Lu softly called. "Look at me." Zhan still didn't dare to look at her. She gently cupped his brother's face making him look at her. As Zhan's eyes met with Xuan Lu's, the latter's gaze turned into a softer one. Her brows got knitted seeing the bruises on his face. She gently touched a bruise making Zhan flinch. Suddenly Xuan Lu's gaze turned into a darker one. "Wen Chao's deeds?" She asked Zhan looking sharply at him.

"Huh!?" Zhan gaped at her.

"I am asking if Wen Chao did this to you!?" Xuan Lu raised her voice.

"Yes," Yibo replied when he saw hesitation of Ziyi, Zhan, and Hao Xuan's eyes. "Wen Chao did it."

"That jerk!" Xuan Lu moved a step back. "I will teach him a good lesson."

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