Pain: Chapter 55

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"Dad" Yibo entered his father's house with a heavy heart, while stains of tears were evident in his cheeks and his eyes became red and swollen.

"Yibo, what happened?" Yibo's father rushed to his son who looked so vulnerable at that moment.

"Is mother at home?" Yibo asked in a broken voice.

"No." Yibo's father made him sit on the couch. "She went to her friend's house for some important work and will come tomorrow. But first, tell me what happened? Why are crying?" Mr.Wang wiped his son's tears.

"He left me." Yibo sobbed.

"Who left you?" Yibo's father asked confusingly.

"Zhan." Yibo looked at his father with teary eyes. "He left me, dad." Yibo broke down into tears. He buried his face in his palms and cried bitterly.

"Aishh...don't cry, son." Mr. Wang hugged Yibo, gently caressed his hair. "That Xiao Zhan! I am not going to spare him." He took his phone which was kept on the table.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Yibo quickly took the phone from him. "Please don't phone him. He is also crying now, I can feel it."

"Yibo, why are you stopping me from calling him?" Yibo's father looked at his son.

"Because you don't know how stubborn he can be." Yibo's lips curved in a faint smile while his weary eyes looked more tired. "If he never wants to see me, then no matter what, he would never see me. Even God cannot make Xiao Zhan change his decision. Moreover, he must be crying now, even more than me. He has softer heart than me." Yibo again broke down into tears while speaking the last words.

"Shhh...dont cry, Yibo. Your father is with you, right? Don't worry, everything will be alright." His father hugged him and gently kissed his son's forehead.

"Dad." Yibo broke the hug and looked at him. "Will you teach me how to do business? I want to inherit the business as soon as possible."

"Son, why are you hurrying? We still have time." Yibo's father gently cupped his son's tear-stained face.

"I want to catch the real one behind all this mess," Yibo replied. "Zhan has already done enough for me but I never did anything for him. I want to catch the real culprit who dared to meddle with our relationship and prove that my love for Zhan is true. I want to protect our relationship."

"My son..." Mr. Wang's lips stretched forming a genuine smile. "From when did you become this mature? Zhan really changed you a lot." He gently caressed his son's hair. "Sure, I will help you to become CEO as soon as possible. But you need to work hard."

"I can even give my entire strength to become a CEO," Yibo said with a determined voice. "I won't let go of that real jerk. He dared to mess with Wang Yibo, so he need to face consequences.


It was around 1 am, Xiao Zhan was still tossing in his bed. His separation from Yibo was too much for him to handle. He kept staring at Yibo's picture and cried. Finally, he found this was becoming unable to bear. So he silently got up and left Hao Xuan's apartment.

He went to a night club and drank as much as he could. He kept emptying bottle after bottle. It was the bartender who stopped him. Bowing to the bartender and paying for his drinks, he left the club. As Xiao Zhan had high alcohol capacity, no matter how many bottles he drank, he still didn't feel tipsy. He dragged his tired body to the river bank where he first received the news about Yibo being the culprit. He looked blankly at the river while tears flowed non-stop from his eyes.

"Yibo, why did you do this to me? Why?" Zhan shouted. "Didn't I love you more than myself? Didn't I trust you? Did I give you everything I want? Why cannot you love me back Yibo? Why?" Zhan broke down into tears. 

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