Moves: Chapter 70

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Firstly I wanna apologize for not making this chapter 18+
I don't know how I wrote the last update but from the past few days my heart, as well as my mind, isn't allowing me to write it. If I read too much of M rated stories, my mind would feel guilty as if I did the worst crimes ever. I realized it when I was searching for that content in other fanfic platforms to write the so-called punishment chapter. Then I realized that my mind is against it. I cannot understand what the hell is wrong with me, but still...I am experiencing mood swings like a crazy and moody girl *sighs in defeat*

But I promise to make it up for you through an extra chapter. *swears like Wei Ying*

I hope you understand me. Sorry for disappointing you all. *sad pout*


*after a month

Zhan, Yibo, Hao Xuan, Jiyang, Bowen, Yu Bin, Ziyi, Xuan Lu, and Mingjue were sitting in the drawing-room of Xuan Lu and Zhan's apartment, enjoying their coffee.

"Finally everything is over." Ziyi moved her neck gently. "Now we can plan a trip."

"By the way, how did this businessman and police officer ended together?" Hao Xuan arched his brow, looking at Bowen.

"That's simple. This cute cinnamon roll confessed me and I accepted." Bowen shrugged his shoulders.

"You tricked me!" Yu Bin gave a friendly slap on Bowen's hand.

"What about Mingjue?" Jiyang smiled, drinking his coffee.

"Song Jiyang, you just touched my sore spot," Mingjue said dramatically, clutching his chest.

"Stop being so dramatic boss, Nie. No girl is going to date a tall, stout guy like you." Zhan shook his head and took a sip from his coffee.

"How about dating some guy?" Yibo said taking away the coffee mug from his lips. "Find a soft cute guy who will wait for you at home, will cook for you and will love you."

"Just like you," Zhan said without looking at Yibo.

"Zhan!" Yibo looked at Zhan with 'are you kidding me' look. "I am not a softie. I am CEO of Wang Corporation."

"Yes, you are." Zhan put his hand at Yibo's waist and kissed the latter's cheek softly. "At least you are softie for me."

"Ahm are not in private place Zhanzhan. If you want to do these with Yibo, then please go to your apartment." Xuan Lu said drinking her coffee.

"Ai, shijie...then what is your hand doing on Ziyi's waist?" Zhan wiggled his brows and Xuan Lu quickly removed her hand from Ziyi's waist.

"You shouldn't observe these type of things." Ziyi snarled, while blush spread across her pale skin.

"So, when you guys are going to get married?" Mingjue said, resting his body on the back of the couch.

"I think I will marry on the same day as Zhan." Hao Xuan said. "I cannot wait any longer. I wanna cuddle him tightly every day."

"Hao Xuan!" Jiyang glared at his boyfriend.

"As if you are not ravishing him." Bowen shook his head.

"By the way, shijie, dad said that you are going to become CEO of Xiao Groups tomorrow." Zhan smiled.

"I think its time for me to take care of the company." Xuan Lu said in a determined voice. "Father has already struggled a lot."

"That's great jiejie." Yu Bin smiled.

"I feel Ziyi is a really lucky one to have a CEO girlfriend." Yibo pouted.

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