Accomplishment(1): Chapter 45

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"Yes! Zhan did it!" Hao Xuan's fist hit the table before him with excitement. "I knew Zhan will do it! He is the master of the Game after all." Hao Xuan was so happy with the fall of Mengs that he couldn't control the wide smile on his face.

"Hao Xuan, I think you need to calm down a bit." Song Jiyang who was looking at the other with disbelief in his eyes said, putting his hand on Hao Xuan's.

"Jiyang..." Hao Xuan wrapped his arms around Jiyang and pulled him into a tight hug. "I am so happy now. I am so so so so happy that I want to kiss you." Hao Xuan unconsciously blurted out.

"Huh!?" Jiyang broke the hug and looked at Hao Xuan with bewilderment in his eyes. Only then Hao Xuan realized what he said and a pink shade formed on his cheeks.

"A-ah...I just..." Hao Xuan started shuttering while he was searching for his nape nervously. "Sorry." Hao Xuan hung his head down and bit his lip, making himself ready to receive the hate from Jiyang.

"Hao Xuan..." Jiyang cupped Hao Xuan's face, making the latter look at him. Hal Xuan looked into Jiyang's eyes with a kind of fear in his eyes. The latter smiled and raised his head a little so that his lips were at the level of Hao Xuan's forehead. Jiyang's lips softly implanted a kiss on Hao Xuan's forehead and the latter closed his eyes tightly, feeling the sudden electrifying touch of his crush. "Hao Xuan, you look cute when you are shy." Jiyang smiled.

"Hey! I am not cute, I am handsome." Hao Xuan complained like a kid throwing tantrums.

"I know." Jiyang chuckled. "My Hao Xuan is handsome. So Zhan calls him his Little Devil." Jiyang teased.

"Jiyang!" Hao Xuan yelled

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"Jiyang!" Hao Xuan yelled. "Don't call me like that! Only Zhan can call me using that name." Suddenly Hao Xuan's facial expressions turned into playboy smirk. " you want to see the devil inside me?"

"Hao Xuan, don't try me." Jiyang leaned towards Hao Xuan, making the latter lean on the couch.

Hao Xuan looked at Jiyang who was hovering over him with bewilderment. Jiyang's face was so close to him that Jiyang's warm breath fanned over his lips. Jiyang's cold fingertips gently touched Hao Xuan's neck, sending shivers down his spine. Hao Xuan's adam's apple bobbed up and down when Jiyang's bold fingers sensually moved from his neck to his chest. Hao Xuan was captivated by Jiyang's beauty and he couldn't take his eyes off him. A mischievous smirk played on Jiyang's face as he saw the other was enjoying his touches. Jiyang's lips traveled to Hao Xuan's ears.

"Hao Xuan..." Jiyang whispered seductively. His breath sent sudden waves if electric shock in Hao Xuan's body. "Do you want to continue?"

That was when Hao Xuan came back to his senses. He looked at Jiyang who was smiling at him mischievously. "Yes!" Hao Xuan uttered and reversed their positions, pinning Jiyang to the couch while he hovered over him. 

Hao Xuan's eyes looked into Jiyang's deep eyes only to find excitement in them. A faint smile played on Hao Xuan's lips as he further leaned in. His naughty tongue licked Jiyang's lips feeling its soft texture. Jiyang closed his eyes feeling the warm muscle playing at his lips. Hao Xuan smiled and buried his face at the crook of his crush's neck. His sinister tongue licked the base of Jiyang's neck, feeling the soft skin over there. His lips sucked on the skin tasting it while his tongue denied stopping its moments.

Soft moans escaped Jiyang's lips as Hao Xuan kept on sucking Jiyang's soft spot while the latter's hand traveled beneath his shirt, roaming all over as if the body was the hand's own territory. Jiyang threw his head back when he felt Hao Xuan's teeth on his skin.

"Hao Xuan..." Jiyang moaned while his fingers glided in Hao Xuan's hair which only added excitement to Hao Xuan.

"You are so soft." Hao Xuan whispered and kissed the red mark which he made a moment ago, claiming Jiyang as his. He nuzzled into Jiyang's warm neck, inhaling the sweet intoxicating scent. "You smell so nice." Hao Xuan mumbled.

"Hao Xuan, aren't you gonna say congrats to Xiao Zhan?" Jiyang asked gliding his fingers through Hao Xuan's hair.

"I don't want to disturb them. I am sure Zhan is spending quality time with Yibo." Hao Xuan looked at Jiyang. "I wish we too end up as a couple."

"Huh!?" Jiyang gaped at Hao Xuan's words.

"A-ah...I am just saying. Don't take it seriously." Hao Xuan quickly retrieved from Jiyang.

Before Jiyang could say anything, Hao Xuan's phone rang. It was Meng Ziyi.

"Hello, Ziyi?"

"Hao Xuan!!!?" Meng Ziyi screamed so loud that Hao Xuan had to removed the phone from his ears to keep his eardrum safe.

"Amm...Meng Ziyi, can you please speak politely?"

"Did you check the news!?"

"About collapsing of Meng's company?"

"Hell yes dumbhead! Our Zhan is so cool. Just like hero from action dramas."

"I know, right. He is a master Devil after all. By the way, is Xuan Lu jiejie with you?"

"Mn. We are watching the news. What about we surprise Zhan in the evening and enjoy his success?"

"Ziyi, your idea is not bad but..."

"But what!?"

"But what if we enter their house and see Zhan and Yibo doing something extremely private?"

"Hao Xuan, I know you are feeling extremely lonely. Ask Jiyang to be your boyfriend. Then you won't have these problems."

"Aish...Ziyi, call you please keep your voice low? Jiyang is with me."

"Whatever. I will talk to Zhan. We are going to Yibo's house in the evening. Ok. Bye."

After the phone call, Hao Xuan shook his head while he chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Jiyang arched his brow.

"It looks like today's evening we are going to watch a nice drama." Hao Xuan chuckled as he looked at Jiyang. "We are going to Yibo's house in the evening and that even without informing them."

"So this is Meng Ziyi's idea." Jiyang smiled. "Make sure to buy a lot of snacks before going to Yibo's house."

"Sure, Jiyang..." Hao Xuan winked at Jiyang.


Zhan opened his eyes only to find his head was lying on a pillow instead of Yibo's lap while he was lying on the couch. He sat on the couch and a big yawn escaped from his mouth.

"You are awake." Yibo smiled and came from the kitchen holding two cups of coffee. "Here." He gave a cup to Zhan.

"How long did I sleep?" Zhan said, lazily rubbing his nape.

"Only 5 hours," Yibo said before taking a sip from his coffee. "It's 6 pm now."

"What!? I slept for three hours!?" Zhan looked at Yibo. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You were sleeping so peacefully? How can I wake you up?" Yibo wiggled his brows

"Tch." Zhan rolled his eyes. "Yibo, you know, my mind is saying that Shijie, Ziyi, Hao Xuan, and Jiyang will come here after few minutes."

"How do you know?" Yibo drank his coffee.

"I know Ziyi the best." Zhan kept the coffee mug on the table. "She is the devil when it comes to disturbing Hao Xuan and me. Go to your room and get ready in 10 minutes."

Saying so Zhan returned to his room while Yibo to his. After a few minutes, Yibo got ready and stood at the door of Zhan's room.

"ZhanZhan..." Yibo smiled as his eyes looked at his handsome boyfriend.

Zhan froze at the sight. "Yibo! What is this!?"


*sorry for not saying anything. I am tired AF *wobbles*. I exams are from 12th. I dunno what am I doing here!? I need hugs. Anyone, please?*

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