Let Me Take Care Of You: Chapter 23

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"Xiao Zhan! What is this!!?" Wang Yibo screamed

Zhan put his glass on the table and turned around. "What happened? Why are you screaming?"

"What are Meng Ziyi's clothes doing in your wardrobe?" Yibo yelled as he came downstairs with two white t-shirts.

"What do you mean by Meng Ziyi's clothes!?" Zhan gaped. "All the clothes in the wardrobe are mine!"

"How do expect me to buy your lies?!" Yibo growled. "Then what are these, huh?" Yibo said showing the two t-shirts in his hand which had Powerpuff girls drawn on them. "Which guy on the earth wears Powerpuff girls' t-shirts?"

 "Which guy on the earth wears Powerpuff girls' t-shirts?"

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"Those are MINE!" Zhan said looking annoyed.

"What!?" Yibo's brows got disappeared into the hairline. "What are you saying?! These...these are yours?!"

"Yes," Zhan said putting his hands on his hips. "Do you have any problem with that? Those are my fav t-shirts and I am going to wear one now." Zhan said as he went towards Yibo.

"What?? Pfft...hahaha..." Yibo burst into laughter. "So...our Prince Charming Xiao Zhan's favorite t-shirts have Powerpuff girls on it. How manly!"

"Stop laughing!" Zhan yelled snatching the t-shirts from Yibo's hands. "What's so funny? Cannot guys wear Powerpuff girls' t-shirts!?"

"No no..." Yibo tried to control his laughter. "Only manly guys like you can wear it."

"Stop cracking your boring jokes," Zhan said as he shoved Yibo and went upstairs towards his room.

"Zhan, wait for me." Yibo followed Zhan like a lost puppy.

After entering the room, Zhan went straight to his wardrobe and took out a t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants for him and Yibo.

"Here, wear these," Zhan said handing Yibo a t-shirt and sweatpants.

Yibo took the clothes and went to the bathroom. As he came out of the bathroom, he gaped at the sight. Zhan was only wearing the sweatpants while he was standing shirtless. Yibo's gaze first fell on Zhan's well-toned body.

 Yibo's gaze first fell on Zhan's well-toned body

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