Setting A Trap: Chapter 33

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Zhan returned to his room. A type of weird feeling engulfed him. He was feeling like he would punch anyone who would come to him right then.

'Zhan, calm down.' He said to himself, sitting on the couch while holding his head with his hands. 'Yibo will take time. Don't need to rush. You already waited for such a long time. Just wait for a little more.' Zhan sighed as he calmed down a bit. 'He is just confused about this. I am sure this won't last long.'

Zhan got up from the couch and went to the bathroom for a quick bath. As he came out, he felt extremely tired and drained out. He was drying his hair when suddenly his phone rang. He looked at the display and a frown formed on his face.

"Li Bowen!?" Zhan exclaimed and looked at the clock

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"Li Bowen!?" Zhan exclaimed and looked at the clock. It was already 11 pm. He let out a deep breath and answered the phone.

"Hm? Bowen, what's up?"

"Zhan, come to Lili restaurant right now. It's urgent."

"Bowen, what happened? Is everything alright?"

"Zhan, the Wen siblings came for a business contact. Come here as fast as you can, they are already sitting inside the restaurant."

"Okay okay. I am coming."

Xiao Zhan immediately changed his clothes. He wore a black oversized hoodie with a black beanie and a  black nose mask, almost covering almost all of his face except for his eyes. He wore black pants and black shoes which would make him camouflaged in darkness.

Zhan decided to inform Yibo before going out but he changed his mind and left the house silently.

Yibo, who was still awake, kept looking at the black figure walking until it disappeared in the darkness through the glass window.

'Where did he go at this hour? Why didn't he inform me? Is he really that upset with me? Argh! Fuck my useless brain!'


"Sorry for the late." Zhan bowed slightly to the clients as he took his seat beside his partner Li Bowen in the Lili restaurant. "So, shall we continue?" Zhan said pulling the hoodie covering his face.

"Mr. Li, why your partner is covering his face like that?" Wen Chao said leaning back on the chair, sitting in an improper manner.

"I am sorry about this." Li Bowen said politely. "But he has a severe cold. So he is afraid that it would affect you. So he covered himself like that." Bowen lied smoothly.

"Yes." Xiao Zhan said in agreement clearing Wen Chao's doubts.

"Well, then let's talk about real business." Wen Chao said pushing a file on the table towards Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan glared at Wen Chao but didn't say anything as they were doing a business meeting and he couldn't easily mix up business with personal grudges. Taking the file, Xiao Zhan looked at it clearly, memorizing almost every detail about Wens Company.

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