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030 // LIKING

"i hope you understand how much our little talks mean to me

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"i hope you understand how much our little talks mean to me."


"Helena and Helia sound similar."

Helena laughs, nodding- her niece is right. their names are uniquely similar.

as Helia chants Helena Helena Helena, Helena chants Helia Helia Helia. the two of them are ready to leave with a sudden burst of excitement.

"okay come on." Helena ushers the small one to the door, slipping on her newly brought shoes. "birthday party time. are you excited?" she asks. she likes knowing what's on her mind. if it's positive, they can share and if it's negative, they can talk through it. for all Helena knows, Helia could be nervous and she'd still tell her. there's trust.

"yep! are you coming?" Helia asks, copying her actions by putting on her shoes too. Helena smiles- she remembers when she couldn't put her shoes on herself and now here she is, doing things all on her own.

"you're coming to see the neighbour, the older boy aren't you?" Helia exposes Helena.

Helena's cheeks turn red. "what? no."

"you know Mark?" Helia starts, referencing Yoongi's little brother. "he used to be mean to me but he treats me really nicely now." and from Helia's expression, it's obvious she likes their new growing friendship.

"that's a good change right?"

the two of them walk a few steps before reaching their neighbours door. the silence disappears as soon as the door opens, revealing Yoongi who's wearing a birthday hat.

"happy birthday-" Helia wanders in without greeting Yoongi because she spots joyful Mark. it's his birthday and it seems like he's having a great time. there's a constant, giddy smile on the boys face- it expands upon seeing Helia with a present.

Yoongi lets Helena in too, closing the door behind her as she starts to walk into the children packed house. there's balloons, toys, bright decorations and the smell of party food from the kitchen. Helena's never been to a real, friendship related birthday party except for the ones in her past care home.

Helena's tugged backwards by a hand that belongs to the mysterious boy she never expected to like. she turns around, wrist captured in his warm embrace as their eyes meet.

"hi." Yoongi keeps a straight face.

"oh hello."

"i need to tell you something." Yoongi doesn't let go of her hand. there's a whisper of a smirk on his face as his eyes light up with emotions that Helena can pinpoint exactly. they're the same ones reflecting in her eyes. "i have a crush on you." he says.

"no shit." Helena scoffs, trying not to laugh.

Yoongi frowns, letting go of her.

"i like you dumbass, stop frowning." Helena for the first time, let's her courage and confidence take over as she wraps her arms around his neck- pulling him into a shocking hug.

Yoongi takes a moment to breathe and get himself together. she's hugging me. he slowly brings his hand up to rest on her back, eventually wrapping his arms around her waist- face burying into her hair as he smiles.

and Helena wished along with excited, innocent Mark when he blew out his birthday cake candles.

what did she wish for?

another hug with her neighbour, now lover.

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