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"inescapable. i'm not even going to try and if i get burned, at least we were electrified."


Helena is walking home.

the sun is setting and it's getting darker. she gets excited every time she sees christmas trees in windows and lights outside.

her eyes are alert when she's walking home. just like other people, there's a sense of learnt and unintentional fear in her chest when she's alone- aware of the outside world.

Helena's hands stay as fists by her side and she walks quickly.

an example of why the outside world can sometimes be a scary place is shown to Helena. a young, clueless woman is attacked by a large man suddenly- it happens at a distance, in front of her. arms are being grabbed, strength being used to his advantage as her screams echo the busy streets.

other people start to run away from the scene, not wanting to be a part of it. that's the inevitable, reactive expectation.

but Helena doesn't run.

she calls the police first before running over to help the lady.

Helena's next speech focuses on the horrible event she had experienced. people called her brave for attacking the man in order to save the stranger, some called her clever for calling the police first and some were quiet. they were astounded by the person Helena is and who she's become.

"it's important to help each other. women helping each other." Helena ends the story. "it doesn't matter what you've been through, who you are, what you've done, who you love- it doesn't matter. just stick up for people."

Helena notices one person staying behind at the end of her speech.

the room is empty except for the two.

"thanks for staying behind." Helena smiles as she steps down from the small stage. she stands in front of Yoongi who's bangs under his baseball cap cover his dark, wakeful eyes. she likes how warm he looks under the artificial light. he knows how to dress up for winter- neat scarf, jumpers and hoodies.

"what's that box for?" Yoongi points to the box across the room.

he knows Helena loves that he attends her speeches now. she loves that he's interested and willing.

the truth is, he's whipped.

"anyone can suggest any themes or topics they'd like me to talk about." Helena explains, glancing back at Yoongi who nods in response. "all opinions are welcome!" except any dissing her favourite bands-

"i might just add something..." Yoongi walks across the room, mumbling under his breath. he takes a piece of paper and a pen, writing away.

Helena watches in awe, unintentionally smiling as Yoongi slips a note into the box she needs to check.

"what did you write?"

"you'll find out soon enough."


happy christmas eve!

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