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"i once believed love would be burning red but it's golden like daylight

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"i once believed love would be burning red but it's golden like daylight."


Helia's class is doing show and tell.

she came home excitedly. "we're doing show and tell your special person." and all three family members waited to see who'd be honourably picked.

now Helena sits beside Helia in the classroom. Helia wants to show and tell the class her favourite person, also known as her auntie.

Helena watches numerous parents come into the room. she feels out of place. to people, she looks like Helia's older sister.

a familiar face also joins the room. Yoongi walks inside, hand in Mark's as they take a seat opposite the girls. Yoongi doesn't notice Helena until he looks up, eyes trapping in an unexpected but hazy, longing gaze.

they smile at each other.

"my special person is my auntie Helena." Helia stands up. she speaks with ease and confidence- it takes Helena by surprise because at home, she's reserved and slightly quiet.

Helena stays seated, waiting to be introduced. please don't tell your classmates about how i burnt chocolate in the microwave once and how i scream at spiders pathetically.

every little kids eyes stare at Helena and she just smiles nervously.

"sometimes, she doesn't feel like my auntie. she feels like a big sister which is nice because i don't have any siblings. we live in the same house so it really does feel like she's my sister." Helia explains politely, making eye contact with everyone. Helena feels the same way. their relationship is one of a kind- siblings or not, it doesn't make a difference. what is so precious will stay.

"she's my role model and she wants to change the world." Helia says in a serious tone, not appreciating the giggles that surface. "wait ... actually, save the world. and i'm going to be there to watch her when she does." Helena looks at Helia with a heavy heart. they're going to save the world together.

"she looks after me, takes me to school and drives me places she's always reading, writing, walking and teaching me things." Helia states facts. "she puts 100% into everything even relationships." Helena doesn't dare to look at Yoongi who's staring at her.

"we have similar names as you can see- Helia and Helena. i don't have any nicknames because Hel or Helly would sound a lot like hell. so i stick with Lena for my auntie. and i want to save the world with Lena."

the class is silent as Helia runs out of things to say. from the look on her face, that's all she had planned. Helena's heart is full of warmth- she could easily tear up. it seems like the teacher is about to. "what would you like to say to Helia or about her to the class?" mr Jung looks at Helena, grinning.

"Helia is such a bright child. you amaze me every time." Helena makes sure Helia is looking at her. she wants her to feel the sincerity of her words and compliments. "you think and you understand. sometimes i think about how you're better than most adults i've met." it's true. some adults don't think before they speak, are that understanding.

"i'll always be here. i always have ever since you were born." Helena feels emotional. she didn't expect to come in today and want to cry in front of mr Jung and his class.

she remembers the day Helia was born- it was joyous, expected yet wonderful. she was and still is a beautiful child. smooth skin, lots of crying and small eyes that showed the universe in just the first day of being alive.

"i'm never going to leave your side because in a way, i am your big sister." Helena pokes Helia's nose. "although, it wouldn't be too bad if you turned out like your dad and mom ... i'd rather you turn out to be like me."

Helia wipes Helena's tears.

Helena glances around the classroom to see mr Jung smiling, other kids staring in silence- watching emotions unfold like never before and Yoongi, oh dear Yoongi is smiling.

"you have something very special don't you?" mr Jung states with a slight clap. he pushes back his brown hair, not wanting to interrupt their moment but with a fond smile, he does.

the girls nod.

"Helia stop crying, you crybaby." Helena laughs, when in fact, she's the only one who's crying. she feels everything.


Yoongi runs up to Helena after the show and tell is over.

"yeah you crybaby." Yoongi knocks his side into Helena's, smiling- happy to be around her. he learnt so much about her and he's certain, yes, definitely, he can fall harder than he thinks.

after all, it'll be the nicest fall.

"you made me spill a few tears." Yoongi laughs, trying to shake off the fact that he got emotional too. he pushes his black hair into his hood, strands tangled as he bites his lip.

"did i actually?" Helena gasps, nudging him back. "mission accomplished." she cheers.

"come here." Yoongi can't keep his eyes off her. he stares at her with the most evident affection, admiration and loveliness that he wraps his arms around her- pulling her close, head resting on each other's. this is where he wants to be. "thank you for the 100% you put into us." he murmurs.

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