1. Run, Run, Run

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Was all you could think as you were running in the dark forest escaping from those monsters who have done millions of tests on you.

You kept running in the forest until you fell over something and heard footsteps and laughter hover over you.

"Nice try Y/N-" A deep voice chuckled.

Then you woke up.

You grabbed your temples, slowly rubbing them since you just experienced that same nightmare once again.

you groaned and eventually got yourself out of bed.

You've been in hiding for a couple of months now. Ever since you broke out of the dark laboratory that kept you locked like a caged animal you've been on the look out ever since.

When you escaped you weren't alone. You were with your good friend Chaewon who was sadly shot on the way out. You don't know if she's alive or not but you continue to look out for her just incase she finds her way to you one day.

Today you had to go out to hunt for food since you were running low. Your small cabin was surrounded by the remote forest you were in. The forest was filled with many animals that supplied you with breakfast, lunch and dinner.

You couldn't risk leaving the forest, one, you'd get lost, and two you couldn't risk anyone, especially government officials finding you.

Cause if they find you, they will kill you.

Or even worse, torture you.

And you couldn't risk that.


Time flew by and before you knew it the sun was setting, making beautiful colors of orange, pink and blue to mix in the soon to be night sky.

You spent the duration of your day cleaning and planning your route for food.

By now it was night and you threw on a light jumper and some black leggings with trainers and walked out of your cabin, leaving one light on so you could spot it in the dark.

You didn't risk physically shifting to your wolf form or half shifting to a hybrid form, which would be your eyes changing colors, your claws growing, your fangs growing and your ears growing in size. You couldn't risk that, although you did take full advantage of your strength, good vision and good hearing, since they were all involuntary and you didn't need to change to use those things.

You started walking down the regular path you usually take but tonight something felt off.

You couldn't help but turn around every time you heard something.

Your pace started to slowly get faster without you noticing. You stopped completely and took a deep breath, hoping that would calm your nerves until you heard footsteps.

Not just one set, but multiple sets of footsteps.

You panicked, not knowing what to do, you automatically assumed that the scientists that kept you locked in a cage finally found you and they were going to catch you. You started running in a random direction not knowing where you were going, not really caring where you were going, you only had one thing on your mind.


You ended up tripping over some tree branches that were on the ground. You stood back up and stood still, waiting to see if they were still following you.

"Over here!" You heard a manly voice whisper but it still felt loud in your head.

Once again panic took over your body and you started to run until your entire body hit something and fell.

You looked up to be greeted by golden eyes and a strong scent wafted to your nose.


"Look what we have here." The deep voice said.

You slowly backed up, still on the ground and once you thought you were a safe distance away from the man, you got up and ran at a full sprint.

"Not so fast." Another manly voice said as you were once again tripped.

You looked up and by now tears were streaming down your face. You looked around and saw that you were surrounded by six wolves with golden eyes, and one wolf with red eyes, they were clearly in their hybrid form.

"Sorry princess." One of the men said.

Before you could process what to think, do or even say you were hit hard in the head, causing you to sink into an eternal darkness.


Word count: 818
This is my new story and I worked really hard on it, I really hope you all enjoy it :)

Updates might take a little bit longer than the updates on "Idols" did only because the upcoming chapters are a lot longer.

I think I'm going to start writing in this perspective from now on only because I feel like I'm able to be more detailed about everything and I can convey feelings a lot better.

Anyways I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, next chapter will be a lot longer :)

Hunted | jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now