30. The Fight For Life

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There was a loud alarm blaring throughout the entire facility, you could hear guards running to the outside yelling incoherent things to each other.

You smiled to yourself, knowing your boys were finally strong enough to fight their way out of here.

"You little bitch." Seojoon spat at you as he opened the laboratory doors and slammed them shut. "Those wolves are gonna die because of you." He said.

You smirked at him. "No they're not Seojoon." You said back to him. "Just accept the fact that you can't have the satisfaction of killing all of us." You said to him. "You can kill me but just know you'll never get your hands on the other seven hybrids who are powerful and strong." You added.

The scientist came over to you and brought his face close to your ear. "I already killed your sister Y/N, so I'll take my time with you and make sure you have a painful death." He whispered as he pulled back and laughed.

"Go ahead Seojoon, do whatever you want to me." You responded.

"You know Y/N, before I killed Chaewon I did to her what I did to you, I took her stem cells and did extensive research." Seojoon explained as he walked towards his table that was filled with various knives and bottles filled with unknown, clear contents. "And then I did it, I found a breakthrough in science and life itself, I found a way to make her cells keep me alive and young and strong forever." Seojoon said as he grabbed a small scalpel. He then turned around and faced you with a sinister smile. "So if you wanna be technical, Chaewon is still alive. Not only in spirit but in me, her cells did one hell of a job making me powerful, all I have to do is kill you and then I'll be invincible." He ranted.

You looked at Seojoon in the eye. All the hatred and anger bubbling inside of you. "You'll never be one of us Seojoon, your kind might've created us but you'll never become one of us." You spat.

"We're already superior Y/N." He spat back.

Finally, with the adrenaline, the hatred and the anger bursting inside of you, you turned into your hybrid form. Your wounds healing instantly, your body feeling fresh and new, your golden eyes on display.

You yanked your arms down breaking the strong, tight chains that were once on your wrist.

"I'll kill you." You spat as you charged at Seojoon with all your might.

"Not if I kill you first Y/N." He smirked as he, himself turned into a hybrid and let out a loud roar.

You reached out and scratched his chest, making your claws go deep into his skin, causing him to bleed and let out a scream.

Seojoon grabbed you by your neck, slamming you down onto the ground. He hovered over you and wrapped both of his hands around your neck.

"You'll always be that weak, scared little girl." He whispered as he tightened his grip.

You stared into his eyes, not giving him the satisfaction of seeing you scared and terrified.

If you died, you died knowing your boys made it out.

Black dots started to take over your vision as you struggled to get his death grip off your neck.

You kept your glare on him before he was thrown back by a powerful fast force.

You took a deep breath and looked over the scene in front of you.

"E-Eunbi?" You asked as you saw the vampire hybrid wiping blood off her mouth.

"Eunbi thank god your here, help me kill her." Seojoon said as he struggled to stand.

"I guess it's a good thing you created a vampire hybrid with poisonous fangs." She spat.

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