28. Its A Plan

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You felt yourself slowly wake up, taking
a few seconds to come to realization that you were still in the laboratory and the events from the previous day were not just a nightmare, but a very real one at that. You jolted your body, making the chains on your wrists and legs clink with each other.

The scene from yesterday was still displayed out in the laboratory, the rotten smell making you internally gag.

"I'm gonna kill him." You said low enough for the boys to hear.

"We have a plan." Jungkook linked you. "We know you can't link back so just listen to us for a second." He added knowing that you were still a bit too weak to use your mind link.

You nodded your head at his words.

"Guards usually come in here around noon time to feed us and bring us outside so we can shift to our wolf forms and do what we need to do." Yoongi linked as you and the boys all listened in. "Typically we're too weak and shifting takes up most of our energy which is why we weren't able to over power them and shut off the electric fence." He added. "When we're brought outside today we'll make our attack, we're pretty much at full strength and strong enough to over power them, we'll all be a distraction while one of us comes in here and breaks you out, you heal fast so you'll be able to help us." Yoongi briefly explained.

You nodded your head, the adrenaline and excitement to kill the scientist made you smirk to yourself. You'll finally get your revenge.

"What if they inject us with more wolfsbane now that Chaewon isn't here to stop them." Jimin linked to everyone.

"We have a really good tolerance to wolfsbane so it shouldn't affect us too much." Jin answered.

"What if this doesn't work?" You asked lowly since you couldn't link with them just yet.

"It will work Y/N, I'll make sure of it." Jungkook linked to you.

His words comforted you as you gave him a small smile.

Jungkook returned one back, he was determined to destroy the entire facility in the process of the escape. He couldn't wait to hold his arms around you once again.

He couldn't wait to be free, and he certainly couldn't wait to make you his luna and mate for life.

Word count: 424

This was a filler chapter!!! So sorry it was soo short but next chapter will be long I swear lol

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