26. A Shocking Discovery

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"Guess what Y/N!" Seojoon said in a sing song voice as he walked into your holding cell.

"What." You responded back, not looking at him.

"Today you're getting transferred." He smirked.

You snapped your head towards the old scientist. "What do you mean?" You asked.

"We're sending you to a facility that's out of the country." He smiled. "So I suggest you start forgetting about your little pack now." He added. "Someone will be in here to gather the few items you own soon."

Before you could protest the scientist walked out of the lab and roughly slammed the door shut.


"Anything new?" Jungkook asked Chaewon as she walked into the lab that held the seven hybrids.

"I tried finding information about Y/Ns whereabouts but so far I've found nothing." Chaewon said as she put her head down.

"Keep digging." Jungkook said sternly as he took his gaze off of Chaewon.

Chaewon nodded her head and quickly walked out of the room.

As she walked down a lit up corridor she could hear some chatter up in a room that's in front of her.

"Yeah they're moving that hybrid to another country." A manly voice said.

Chaewon immediately started looking into each and every room she came across so she could find you and somehow stop your transfer.

"Chaewon, just the girl I was looking for." The scientist said as he walked up to her. "What are you looking for in such a rush?" He asked.

Chaewon quickly came up with a believable lie, "I'm looking for Eunbi, I know she's good at fighting and self defense and I wanted her to train me so I could get better." She said.

"Maybe we can schedule a training session soon, anyways come with me I need you to pack Y/Ns things." He quickly explained as he brought Chaewon into a separate dark room that held you. "Ignore anything that she says, I'll be back in about an hour or so." The scientist added as he quickly walked away.

Chaewon stepped into the room and looked around.

You brought your head up from looking down, "Chaewon.." You said, hoping that the girl you were once inseparable with, was still there. "Chaewon you gotta help me, they're transferring me." You said lightly a few tears pooling your eyes.

Chaewon walked up to you to where her face met yours, "I know, I'm figuring out a way to stop the transfer." She said. "I'll be right back, maybe your pack can help me." She added.

"Tell them that you talked to me." You quickly responded as she nodded her head and walked out the door.

Chaewon quickly made her way back to the lab that held the seven hybrids.

She looked through the small square of glass on the door, making sure no one else was in there and ran inside.

"I just talked to Y/N, shes being transferred to another country and we don't know how to stop that." Chaewon said fast without taking a breath.

Jungkook and the rest of the boys looked shocked to hear that.

"Could that happen to the rest of us?" Taehyung asked, slight fear evident in his eyes as he looked to the boys that were next to him.

"I don't know." Chaewon said.

"So this is what you've been doing." The scientist said as he slammed the door shut. "A little mole huh?" He spat.

"N-no sir I was just-"

"Just what." Seojoon said sternly, cutting Chaewon off as he took a few steps closer to her.

Chaewon couldn't think of a response in time as she just stood there frozen.

"How about we go get Y/N and we tell her some things hm?" Seojoon said with a sinister smile.


The door to the lab was once again opened as two guards that were holding you by your arms came in.

You struggled to walk as the guards forcefully pushed you against a wall and put chains around your arms and legs.

The boys looked at your beaten up, cut up, bruised body and felt sorrow for you, they wanted to take the pain away but sadly there was nothing they could do, they were at a disadvantage and they were severely outnumbered.

Jungkook on the other hand was fuming and wanted to kill the very scientist in the room.

"Now Chaewon, since the whole party is here why don't you tell everyone what I told you." The scientist demanded.

Chaewon looked down, afraid to speak up.

"Now!" The scientist screamed as he grabbed a scalpel and cut into your arm, "Or she'll keep getting cut." He added as you did your best to hold in a scream from the burning pain in your arm.

"Y/N, boys.." She trailed off, "Me and you are actually sisters." Chaewon said as she looked at you. "Mr.Seojoon killed our parents because they didn't give him the rights to do experiments on us, so he killed them in order to experiment..." Chaewon explained as a small tear left her eye.

"Y-Your lying." You said. "W-what about your parents? The ones who were forced to go to war?" You asked as you felt hot tears leave your eyes.

"They were just two people who were forced to care for us and act like our parents." Chaewon responded, not looking into your eyes.

"You didn't tell her the good part yet Chaewon." The scientist chuckled.

Chaewon looked down afraid to say anything else.

You felt another cut on your shoulder as you let out a small whimper.

Chaewon quickly looked back up. "Our parents gave rights to only you, you were only born for experimentation, they kept me before they were killed." She explained.

You looked at her then back at Seojoon as you felt more tears leave your eyes.

"Good, I'll cancel the transfer and have you all talk it out." Seojoon smiled as he chained Chaewon up. "Don't kill each other." He smirked as he left the room.

Word count: 1010

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