8. First Kiss

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It was a little past two in the morning as you were laying in your bed, struggling to fall asleep as your thoughts roamed aimlessly in your mind.

"Can't sleep either?" Jungkooks voice said as he was standing in the door way to your room.

You were so deep in your thoughts that you didn't even hear nor sense him or his presence. "No.." You trailed off.

"Mind if I come in?" He asked you. You shook your head as he softly closed your door and made his way to your bed. You were still in your laying position as he sat right next to you. "So what's on your mind?" He asked.

"Just so much." You responded in a monotone like voice.

"Was it the drone?" He asked.

You sighed, "Yeah, I'm just scared." You admitted.

"As long as I'm here you don't need to be scared." He said to you.

You gave him a small smile as you pulled your soft white blanket up to your face.

"Hey let's go have some fun!" Jungkook said to you excitedly as he ripped the blankets right off of you.

"Were do we have fun at two in the morning?" You asked, groaning and getting out of bed.

"Uh the backyard duh." Jungkook said matter-of-factly as he grabbed your hand and nearly yanked you downstairs.

"Shh we'll wake up the others!" You scolded him for stomping down the stairs.

"Nah, they're dead to the world when they're asleep." He responded as he opened the door that lead outside.

"Now what?" You asked as both you and Jungkook were now standing outside, facing each other in the breezy night.

He wiggled his eyebrows as he eyed you. "You're fast as a wolf so let's see how fast you are as yourself." He said with his signature bunny smile.

"Oh you're so on." You responded back, folding your arms, the tiredness from before completely washing away.

"You better start running Y/N!" Jungkook said to you as he got in a running position.

You quickly giggled as you dashed off into the woods.


"You see them?" The General of the army, sent to watch the pack of wolves asked.

"Yes sir, I can hear them as well." A well known person had said.

"Boys are we locked and loaded?" The General asked his men around their small camp.

"Yes sir." They said in unison.

"Good, tomorrow after midnight we raid their house and we get back experiment three - five - five - six ." He said to them.


"And, gotcha!" Jungkook said to you as he dragged out his 'and'.

"Dammit that's the third time!" You playfully yelled.

He just laughed at you and picked you up, over his shoulder, not listening to your scolds.

"Jeon Jungkook set me down!" You yelled out once more.

He did nothing but laugh at your pleas.

"Please..." You trailed off.

"And?" He asked.

You sighed. "And thank you." You said as he released you.

You gave him a glare before you both ended up laughing.

"You're so cute." He mumbled but it was still loud enough for you to hear.

"What was that?" You asked as you looked up to him.

Under the moonlight you noticed his cheeks flushed to a bright red color as he looked towards the ground, then back at you.

You both stared into each others eyes, not moving, not saying any words.

Before the two of you knew it your lips were pressed against each other, his hands cupped your face as your cheeks heated up and your heart beat sped up in the heat of the moment, Your lips moving against his soft, warm lips. He gave you a few more pecks on your lips before you both pulled away, slightly panting from what you just did.

"I-I'm sorry if you didn't want that.." Jungkook trailed off.

You gave him a shy smile, "I liked it." You said.

He looked away due to his shyness but gradually looked back at you, "Should we get back home?" He asked with a warm, loving smile on his face.

You nodded your head as you entwined your hand with his. He looked at you and smiled as you both made your way back home, safe and happy.

At least for now.


Word count: 748

Sorry for this chapter being so short and boring, I just needed a filler chapter so we can get to the good stuff :-)

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