14. You're Back

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"Y/N wake up!" You heard an unfamiliar voice say as you felt something shaking you.

You opened your eyes, startled to see a man with black hair looking at you and shaking you.

"I'm Chanyeol, I'm gonna get you outta here." He whispered yelled as he reached up and unlocked the cuffs that have been holding your hands above your head.

"How do I know your not one of them." You spat as you used your strength and pushed him back as you fell onto the ground due to your legs being weak.

"Y/N your weak and you need actual medical attention, I'm with another pack I'm pretty much a spy in here, your boys are outside." He said softly, helping you stand up.

"Y-you mean Jungkook?" You asked, hopeful.

Chanyeol gave you a smile as he nodded. He grabbed your left arm and put it around his neck as he used his right arm to hold your waist. "We gotta go through the doors." He said as he started moving forward.

Meanwhile Jungkook, Hoseok and Yoongi made it inside the back of the building with Taehyung and Jimin waiting just outside with guns loaded with silver bullets for extra protection.

The boys waited behind some boxes for your arrival, it wasn't much but it was the most they could do because if they went inside and were caught then that it would most likely be the end of them and they couldn't risk that just yet.

Chanyeol kept a strong hold of your weakened body. Unfortunately you couldn't heal yourself since so much weakened wolfsbane was inside your system, it would take days for it to exit your system.

"STOP THEM!" You heard the familiar scientist yell as you heard multiple sets of footsteps running towards you.

Chanyeols eyes instantly turned into golden ones as he used his heightened abilities to his advantage.

He easily dogged the bullets coming at him as he used one hand to grab his pistol and shot back, still keeping his grip on you.

Jimin and Taehyung, along with the others could hear the gunshots as well. Both betas looked over to Sehun who was in the van with his computer as he nodded his head. Both betas looked back at each other and ran inside the building, passing Jungkook, Hoseok and Yoongi who looked at them questioningly.

Jimin and Taehyung made it out of the room and saw the scene in front of them.

Chanyeol holding onto you with a gun in his hand shooting at armed guards who are trying to kill the both of you.

Jimin and Taehyung instantly started shooting their guns, giving Chanyeol backup.

"Bring her to the back room." Jimin said rather calmly as he held his gaze, shooting the guards with silver bullets.

Silver bullets were specifically designed to kill werewolves so when it hit a human they'd become poisoned and die a rather slow and painful death.

Chanyeol nodded his head, as he lifted you up bridal style and started running to the back room.

Chanyeol shot a few guards along the way but soon made it to the back room with Jimin and Taehyung shortly following after him.

Jungkook, Hoseok and Yoongi got up from their spots. Jungkook instantly ran to your aid.

"Thank you." He said to Chanyeol as he gave you a quick peck on your lips.

"Guys we gotta go they got more coming!" Jimin said as him and Taehyung ran into the back room with three guards following closely behind them.

Jungkook, Yoongi and Hoseok turned into their hybrid forms as they used their strength to easily take down the guards.

Quickly, the boys ran outside to the van where Namjoon and Jin immediately opened the back doors and shut them as soon as all seven of you got in. Sehun instantly stepped on the gas and you were soon on the back roads, clear of any guards and labs.

"Welcome back Chanyeol." Jongin said with a smile, happy to see his fellow beta.

"Thank god I'm outta that hell hole." Chanyeol responded, letting out a long breath.

"You got that right.." You trailed off weakly as your head rested on Jungkooks lap with Jin attending to your wounds as much as he could.

Jungkook stroked your hair, "What happened in there?" He asked softly.

"Everything." You said as you gently closed your eyes, feeling safe enough to finally fall asleep.

"When I got into that room her arms were hanging above her head and there was all sorts of knives and needles on the counter near her, and blood all over her." Chanyeols soft voice said looking over at your sleeping self. "She's strong Jungkook." He added.

"She's stronger than all of us." Jungkook said softly, stroking your hair. "Now let's get outta here." He said with a small smile on his face, happy to see that your alive and safe in his arms.

Word count: 830

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