22. To The Death

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Another hybrid walked into the room where you and the boys were held captive. You didn't recognize her but you could make out that she was a werewolf hybrid as well due to her scent.

"Now this is what we're gonna do Y/N." The scientist said as he circled his way back to you. "You two are gonna fight until one of you dies." He chuckled. "So Y/N I hope you have enough energy and strength saved up." He explained.

"I'm not gonna do it." You said as you kept eye contact with the scientist.

"If you don't do it, then this one dies." He spat out as he harshly grabbed Jimin and pressed a knife against his throat.

You looked down. "Fine." You responded, feeling defeated.

The scientist chuckled and made his way back to you. "Do anything and I'll shoot them all." He whispered to you as he released you from the chains that held you up.

You immediately fell down onto the ground due to the deep penetrating wound on your leg.

"This'll be easy." You heard the other hybrid scoff as she took a few steps towards you.

You got up and blocked out the pain the best you could, you looked over to a chained up Jungkook who gave you pleading eyes telling you not to hurt yourself or get yourself killed.

You looked over to Jimin who tried his best to keep a straight, strong face but you could see the fear in his eyes as a blade was held against his throat.

You looked back towards Jungkook and gave him a small confident smile. You then looked back towards your opponent and gave her a straight face.

"To the death." She smirked.

"To the death." You repeated.

The girl lunged forward and punched you straight in the face. You ducked down and landed a few kicks.

You heard a roar coming from her and you knew that she was in her hybrid form.

She came towards you again and used her claws to give you scratches that pierced your soft skin and made you bleed.

Using the last of whatever strength you have left you shifted to your hybrid form and let your wolf side completely take over.

It was almost like a haze, you knew what you were doing but at the same time you didn't know what you were doing.

It was like a memory trying to come back but it wouldn't, no matter what you tried to do.

Before you knew it you had the now beaten up hybrid in your grip, you looked over at the scientist who had a look of fear on his face for a split second.

"Please don't!" The hybrid screamed out in fear, begging you for mercy. You ignored her please and instead, you stared into the scientists eyes, not breaking eye contact as you took your claws and sliced opened her throat.

The hybrid immediately gripped her throat as she fell to the ground gasping for air as blood pooled around her. After seconds of her squirming around she finally went limp as her eyes stayed open, a blank stare took over her as her skin slowly started getting more pale.

"Now let him go." You growled as your piercing golden eyes never left the scientist eyes.

"Get back to you chains and I'll let the wolf go." He said.

Before you could retaliate your body went limp as your eyes returned to their normal color.

"Guards!" The scientist yelled as two armed men in gear came into the room and grabbed you and chained both your legs and arms back up.

The scientist smirked at Jimin as he harshly let him go, causing the blade to give him a small cut on his neck.


"We need a plan." Jimin linked to the others with whatever strength he had left. "A good one too." He quickly added in.

Word count: 670

I apologize if that fight scene was like horrible lmao

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