27. Russian Roulette

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"Y/N I'm sorry." Chaewon said as she felt hot tears of her own fall from her eyes.

"When did you find out?" You asked, all feelings leaving your body, leaving you feeling nothing but numbness.

"Before we broke out of here..." She trailed off.

"Why didn't you tell me Chae?" You asked her in a pained tone.

"I didn't know how Y/N, I was terrified." She explained. "I understand if you hate me.." She added.

"I don't hate you Chae, I hate that you never told me.." You responded back to her.

"I'm sorry I got us in this mess." Chaewon said to the group.

"It's not your fault, in fact I should thank you for getting my transfer cancelled." You said with a weak smile. "Besides, we're all in this together." You added.

Chaewon gave you a smile but soon it fell as the doors of the laboratory were opened and slammed shut.

"Hello hybrids." Seojoon, the old scientist said aloud as he walked in.

No one spoke a word to him, each of you just minding your business, eyes wandering around the room.

"Let's have some fun, shall we?" The scientist smiled as he pulled a silver hand held gun out of the pocket of his lab coat.

"Woah, what are you doing?" You asked in a worried tone.

"We're gonna play a little russian roulette." The old scientist smirked.

Before you could protest you felt a piece of cloth roughly get tied around your mouth, keeping you from speaking. You looked up and saw that the others had cloths around their mouths as well.

The scientist went over to Jimin and pointed his gun. You struggled as you squirmed to try to get out of your chains as the scientist pulled the trigger.

Fortunately the barrel pointed at Jimin was empty and only a small click was heard.

The scientist then moved over to Hoseok and pulled the trigger, thankfully the barrel was once again empty and the small click was heard again.

The scientist kept doing his tormenting as he finally made his way to Jungkook.

As hard as you tried to look at him your consciousness told you to look away and shut your eyes.

And then you heard it.

A loud bang erupted in your ears as instant tears welled into your eyes.

You snapped your eyes opened as you looked at Jungkook who was staring down the scientist who was laughing.

"Calm down, It was just a blank Y/N." He chuckled.

The scientist then made his way over to you and Chaewon as he pointed the gun in between her eyes.

You heard Chaewon protest against the scientist as you once again heard a loud bang.

A feeling in your gut told you this time it wasn't a blank.

You forced your eyes opened as you felt the cloth around your mouth loosen and hang around your neck.

You looked over at Chaewon and refused to believe your eyes.

"H-how could you.." You trailed off as you saw your best friend, your sister hanging, emotionless, boneless, as blood dripped onto the ground, a pool of blood surrounding her feet and a large blood spatter spattered against the wall behind her.

You stared in disbelief as you felt the anger within you rise up.

The scientist looked at you and chuckled, "I hope you learned your lesson." He spat as he walked out.

You started pulling roughly at your chains, nearly breaking them as you felt a sharp pain in your neck.

Your mind instantly remembered about the guards behind you as you felt your conscious slip away into nothingness.

Word count: 613

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