11. Where Am I

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You woke up with a pounding headache and found yourself in a standing position with your arms tied above your head.

Your entire body felt sore and bruised up. You could only imagine what you looked like in a mirror.

Your eyes finally adjusted and you looked around, first you looked toward your leg and realized the bullet has been taken out and the wound was stitched up.

You then looked forward and around. "I-it can't be.." You trailed off to yourself.

There you were, back inside a cage, locked up like an animal.

Just then someone walked in.

"Ah look who's awake." This mysterious person said.

You didn't want to show how nervous or scared you were. You needed to be strong so you can see your family again, so you can see your Jungkook again.

"What do you want." You spat out.

"Simple," The man said. "I want your blood."

By now you could see his face and what he looked like. He was an older man with slight wrinkles. His hair was short and thin with a few grey strands poking out. He was wearing what looked like a lab coat along with black trousers and black dressy shoes.

You looked at the man with a confused look.

He smiled, "You're different from the other experiments, your blood can be used in humans to make humans heal fast like hybrids." He said. "You just so happen to be the only hybrid with this type of blood which is why we needed you." He added.

"And you had to kidnap me to do that?" You said with an attitude.

The old man smiled, sinisterly, he put his face in front of yours, "we're gonna kill you." He spat.

You tried using your strength to break free from the chains that locked you up.

"No use, we injected you with a weakened version of wolfsbane so you my love can't shift or use any type of supernatural ability." He said, his hand moving your hair out of your face. "Also the chains are covered in wolfsbane."

You stayed silent, not knowing what to say or do.

"You know, that little pack of yours put up quite the fight." The old man said as he walked over to a counter filled with bottles of unknown contents.

"What did you do to them!" You yelled out.

The old man turned around, a needle in hand with its sharp end sucking up whatever poison he was going to inject you with. "I'm sure my men killed them, if not then they're definitely not coming for you." He said with a small chuckle.

"You're sick." You spat.

The old man walked towards you with the syringe in his hand."Now now come one Y/N, you're saving lives." He said as he stabbed the needle into your arm and injected whatever contents was inside of it in your arm.

Almost instantly you became dizzy and a wave of sleep took over you. Before you knew it you were out like a light.


Word count: 528

Same with the last chapter but I swear next chap is gonna be long lol

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