32. Is This It

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You opened your eyes only to be greeted by a pair of strong arms holding you.

You looked around, a tad bit confused as you struggled to get your eyes to open up.

"Mornin." Jungkook whispered to you.

"How did I get here, weren't you the one sleeping?" You asked, sleep still thick and evident in your voice.

"I woke up before you and you looked all cute and cuddly." He answered with a shy smile.

"Ohh.." You trailed off with a chuckle.

After a couple of minutes of you and Jungkook talking the other wolves and vampires who took turns guarding the cave and napped throughout the night started waking up.

"Never again am I ever sleeping in a cave." Yoongi said as he got up to stretch. "Do you know how uncomfortable I was, I had to purposely knock myself out just to get my beauty sleep." He added followed by a yawn.

"You're the one who found this place hyung." Jungkook said to the pale man as he chuckled.

"Guys come out here." Namjoon linked to the seven of you as he stood outside the cave, cutting off Yoongi from talking.

You, Jungkook and Yoongi wasted no time as you all went out the cave to meet up with the others.

"What's up?" You asked Namjoon.

"Don't be mad but while everyone was sleeping I went back into town." Namjoon said as he put his arms up in defense.

"You better have a good reason or I'll kick your ass, you could've been killed." Jungkook said sternly as he was clearly upset that Namjoon left without telling him or anyone else where he was going.

"I was able to get in touch with Sehun and he was able to find us a new pack house." Namjoon said. "The only problem is that it's in another town, quite far from here, it'll take us at least a day and a half maybe two to get there." Namjoon added.

"How would we know we're safe?" Jimin asked.

"It's completely off the grid, we'll have tv, electronics and stuff like that but it'll be under completely different names." Namjoon answered. "For now we'll have to live like this but eventually we'll be able to go into the town often, we just need to wait till all of this dies down." He explained.

"And them?" You asked as you pointed to the other wolves and vampires who were chatting amongst themselves.

Namjoon let out a deep breath, "I tried but he didn't have enough houses for them all, it wouldn't have been fair if some get a place to call home while others don't."

"I understand." You answered him, your gaze still on the hybrids.

"Let's go make this announcement." Jungkook said to the group.

You all nodded and walked back to the group of hybrids who were chatting amongst themselves.

"Everyone!" Jungkook said aloud, causing the chatter to die down and all attention on him. "It's best if we all go our own ways now, I suggest you all leave this place and never look back." He said. "Get ready because I want everyone on their way soon, good luck to you all." He added.

The hybrids went back to chatting amongst each other, figuring out what they were gonna do and where they were gonna go.

As the seven wolves of bangtan started talking to each other about their plans you walked over to Eunbi.

"Hey Y/N." She said with a smile on her face.

"Eunbi, why don't you come with us?" You asked. "It'll be nice to have another girl in the pack." You added with a hopeful smile.

"Y/N..." Eunbi trailed off, "I'd love too but after everything that has happened I feel like I'll be better off even farther from this place." She said.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

Eunbi pointed over to a small group of vampire hybrids. "One of them knows someone who works with planes who lives a couple of hours away, we plan on going to another country." She explained.

You looked at Eunbi, shocked. "What country do you think you're gonna go to?" You asked.

"We're not sure yet, but probably America." She answered.

You let out a small sigh, "I'll miss you Eunbi, a lot." You said.

"Don't make me cry Y/N." She chuckled as her eyes got teary.

"I wish you the best Eunbi, I really do." You said as you wrapped your arms around her in a comforting hug.

"Same here Y/N, I'm glad we became friends." She said.

The both of you held your hug for a few moments before Jungkooks voice rang out, signaling that everyone should start leaving.

Slowly packs and groups of vampires started leaving, leaving just bangtan and Eunbis group.

You released the hug and looked at her.

"Goodbye Eunbi, thank you for saving my life." You said to her with a smile.

"Goodbye Y/N, we may not see each other again but let's stay connected by remembering Chaewon together." She responded as she wiped a tear from her face.

"That sounds good to me." You whispered, wiping your own tear.

You both smiled at each other one last time before Eunbi shifted to her vampire form and started running at incredible speed with her group.

Soon they were out of sight and you looked at the seven boys who were getting ready to leave.

"You ready?" Jungkook asked.

You nodded your head, "Is this it?" You asked. "Are we finally gonna be happy and safe?" You added.

"I guess there's only one way to find out." Jungkook said as he ran forward, jumped into the air and shifted into his wolf form.

The others followed as you did the same, your white fur shining as you all got into a formation, the deltas in the front, followed by Taehyung, you and Jimin. The hunters behind you and lastly Jungkook, the alpha watching over the pack.

You all started to sprint, eager to get to your new home that was ways away.

Word count: 1018

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