2. I'm A Wolf

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Darkness. It was all you could see, background noise was muffled and it was completely silent.

You slowly opened your eyes to be greeted by a plain room. You looked down at your body and saw that your knees and legs were all bruised up and cut. You felt a warm liquid oozing down the side of your head and you instantly knew that you were bleeding.

For some reason your body wasn't healing itself and you started to get scared again. You tried to move yourself but your arms were tied above your head so only your legs could move.

You were physically exhausted, you've been in a standing position for god knows how long and your body was dirty.

"Your awake." A pale, thin, but somewhat muscular man with blonde hair said to you. "Guys she's awake." He yelled out of the room you were in.

Soon six other men came into the room and stood in front of you.

Without realizing a tear escaped your eye and you looked down, not daring to meet any of their gazes.

A man with dark brown curly, fluffy hair, fair skin and a boxy like smile came up to you and lifted your face to meet his gaze.

"Don't cry yet, we haven't even told you the best part." He said looking at you straight in the eyes.

Another man came up to you and swapped spots with the man who held your face.

"Your pretty, but sadly we have to kill you princess." He said. His voice sounded familiar to you. He gave you a big smile that resembled a bunny but soon it went away. "We can't trust humans, you can try to convince us that you're not one of them but that won't save you." He spat as he turned around and joined the rest of the men that were in the room.

"I'm one of you.." you tried to say.

"What do you mean?" Another man who was shorter than the others, but still taller than you, with bleach blonde hair said.

"I'm a wolf." You tried to say confidently but ended up failing miserably as their gazes were too overpowering for you.

The same short man chuckled and walked over to you. "We get that all the time, plus if you were anything like us you'd be healed by now, also we never mentioned we were wolves so clearly your lying. Human." He spat as he slapped you hard across the face, leaving a stinging sensation.

"Get the knife, we're giving this one a slow painful death." The man that had a bunny smile said.

A tall man with black hair quickly left the room and returned with a sharp knife.

"I call first cut." The short man with bleach blond hair said as he roughly grabbed the knife and walked over to you with a dark look.

"You'll regret what you did to us wolves." He spat as he brought the knife above his head, ready to swing it down into your flesh.

You haven't shifted into a wolf for almost six months so by now your wolf scent was very, very weak. Thus why you smelt like a human.

You closed your eyes and balled your fists, hoping that whatever strength you had left would shift you.

Almost as if a god were listening to your prayers you swung your arms down and broke them free from the chains that tied them above your head.

You let out a loud roar as you felt your claws and canines grow. You felt yourself turning into your half hybrid form.

Each man stood back in shock as the man with the bleach blonde hair dropped the knife.

You stopped roaring and looked at each man before your eyes turned back to their regular color and you shifted back to your regular human form.

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