6. Mysterious Figure

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It's been a few days since you were officially part of the pack and you've been nothing but happy.

The boys have treated you like one of their own, of course in the very beginning some were still trying to adjust to having a female in their pack, but you adjusted quickly and now you were all one big happy family.

It was currently nearing night time and tonight you were going out with Jungkook and the other betas to your small cabin to pick up anything that you might need since you were now officially living in their pack house.

You threw on one of your plain black hoodies and slipped on your shoes. You then went downstairs to be greeted by three tall men.

"You ready?" Jungkook asked you as he gave you a sweet smile.

You returned a smile and nodded your head. The others nodding their heads as you all stepped outside.

The cold air hit your face as you took a deep breath of fresh air.

Jimin and Taehyung ran past you and Jungkook and they instantly turned into wolves.

You and Jungkook exchanged glances and smiled, running ahead and shifting into a wolf along with the other boys.

The four of you started running into the dense forest, going towards your small cabin.

After some time running you finally could see the small log cabin in the distance.

As it got closer into view you and the boys stopped. You walked up a little ahead, checking your surroundings.

Currently the door to your cabin was busted open and from what you could see, someone clearly trashed your entire place.

"What happened here?" Jungkook asked as he linked his mind with you and the others since you four were still in your wolf forms.

"Beats me.." You linked back.

You moved forward before you shifted back into your human form and threw on your hoodie that you remembered to bring.

You slowly walked forward, nearing the entrance of your cabin with the other boys, still in their wolf forms, behind you.

You stopped right before your door and sniffed, trying to get some type of scent that might be lingering in the air.

The boys behind you looked around their surroundings, sniffing the air, trying to catch any type of different scent, the same as what you've been doing.

You walked into your cabin, searching for a light switch on the wall. Your hand hit the little switch on the wall and you flicked it, hoping the lights would turn on.

To no avail your lights didn't turn on. You went to walk to your room before you heard a light creek.

You stopped dead in your tracks, the familiar feeling of fear building up inside of you.

You took a deep breath and quickly turned around, your eyes turning a golden yellow at the same time.

Before you could shift fully you were shoved down onto the ground, a mysterious figure above you.

You tried to claw at the figure above you but their hands were on your neck, getting tighter and tighter, cutting off your oxygen supply.

The boys on the other hand were looking around their surroundings before they heard your familiar voice shriek.

Jungkook nearly gave himself whip lash since he turned around so fast. Him and the other boys instantly ran to your aid.

"Go around the house, check the back, make sure no one else is here." Jungkook linked to Taehyung and Jimin.

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