17. Wanted Werewolves

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Small lil smut scene up ahead I'll mark it with a "**" if you'd like to skip it


It was now the next day as you got up out of bed and stretched out. Due to your leg still being injured, you slowly limped to the bathroom that was next to your room and took a quick shower, carefully cleaning the wound on your thigh that was slowly healing due to how deep it was.

"Guys get down here!" A voice you recognized as Namjoons yelled out.

You quickly threw on your undergarments, a plain black hoodie and a pair of fitted grey sweatpants. You left your damp hair down to dry as you rushed downstairs to the commotion that was going on between the wolves of bangtan.

"Whats going on?" You asked as you made your way to the living area that the boys were meeting up at.

Namjoon looked around the living room, making sure each member was present. "Alpha?" He asked out.

"Right here." Jungkook said as he dashed into the living room, wearing black sweat pants, a fitted black tee shirt, showing his toned body and tattoos along his right arm, and his hair wet, indicating he too just got out of the shower.

Namjoon nodded and looked back towards the t.v, "Look at this." He said as he resumed the television.

"A werewolf hybrid thats known as experiment number three-five-five-six was recently captured by government officials, unfortunately a group of unknown hybrids broke her out of the lab, along with a fake guard who was identified as Park Chanyeol. We do not know who these hybrids are but if you see any suspicious activity with about ten to eleven people do not hesitate to call the proper authorities, please keep a lookout for these following faces." A woman on the screen said as Chanyeols face was shown on the screen. "Remember if you see this woman call the proper authorities right away as she is very dangerous." She added as a picture of you was shown onto the screen with the words 'Wanted Werewolf' at the top.

"Shit." You said to yourself as you looked at your picture that was splayed out on the television screen.

"You look different." Taehyung said out loud.

"Its an older picture of me, I was a lot skinnier there because of the lack of food and nutrition I got, nonetheless Its me and now the entire country is going to be on the lookout for me, what do I do." You said in a distressed tone as you started pacing back and fourth.

Jungkook grabbed you and embraced you in a comforting hug. "Nothings going to happen to you okay?" He said in your ear as he released you.

"Hes right." Yoongi said, "Besides, in about a week or two they'll forget all about it, they always do." He added.

"I guess so..." You trailed off as you continued looking at the television screen as it was now on a completely different channel.


"You okay?" Jungkook asked as he walked into your room.

"I've been better." You responded as you were leaning on the headboard of your bed, knees tucked in to your chest. "What time is it?" You asked Jungkook.

"Midnight, the boys are long asleep." He responded.

"Oh, I didn't realize I've been up here for that long." You said to him as you moved over and patted a spot on the bed next to you, indicating for him to sit down next to you.

Jungkook took took the seat next to you. "You know you can talk to me about anything right?"

You gave him a small smile, "I know."

"So let me ask you again, are you okay Y/N?" He asked.

"Yes Jungkook I'm okay." You responded, giving him a playful smile.

"I'm just making sure because I care about you a lot Y/N." He said.

Jungkook looked at you with his signature bunny smile before he leaned his face in and connected his lips with yours.


The both of you sat like this, kissing each other for a while before you decided to be bold and deepen the kiss with him. Jungkook licked your bottom lip as you opened your mouth allowing his tongue to enter yours as your tongues pressed together in an open mouthed kiss.

Jungkook moved his lips to the crook of your neck as he pressed light open mouth butterfly kisses along the nape of your neck.

You let out a soft moan as your felt an unfamiliar wetness dampening the fabric of your cotton panties.

Jungkook brought his soft lips near your ear. "Can I?" He asked softly as he pecked your cheek, his hand around the waist band of your sweatpants.

You nodded your head and Jungkook gave you a long loving kiss on your lips as his hand went under the waist band of your sweats. His hand went under the thin material of your panties as he lightly rubbed your sensitive clit.

You let out a small moan at the unfamiliar yet good feeling as you let out little moans in between the kiss.

You felt Jungkook smile against your lips as he once again brought his lips onto your neck, softly sucking on your sweet spot as he slowly pushed his finger inside your folds.

You let out another breathy moan as your hips bucked at the feeling.

Jungkook started moving his finger faster inside of you as he continued sucking on your sweet spot, leaving a dark red mark on your neck. He then added another finger inside of you as you let out another moan.

"W-wait it feels weird." You softly let out as a knot started to form inside of you.

Jungkook kept his pace with his fingers as he moved his lips to your ear. "You'll like it babygirl trust me." He said as he kissed your lips.

His fingers started moving inside you at an ever faster pace. You let out small whimpers, struggling to keep up with his kiss.

Your hips started to buck up and grind against his fingers as the knot in you snapped.

Pleasure took over your body as a silent orgasm took over you.

Jungkook lightly rubbed over your oversensitive clit, letting you ride out your high as he left soft kisses all over your face.

You let out one last soft moan as you came down from your high. Jungkook took his fingers out of you and brought them to his lips, licking your juices off of them.


You continued to pant as Jungkook put a blanket over the both of you. He wrapped his arms around you and gave you one last kiss on your lips.

"Next time I'll have to make you scream my name." He teased as he kissed your forehead.

You playfully rolled your eyes at him as you turned around and shut the lamp off that was on your night stand.

You turned back around and snuggled into his chest, letting his nice scent fill your nose as a deep sleep took over the both of you.

Word count: 1250

I apologize for the cringe lmao

At first I wasn't gonna put a smut scene but then I was like whatever

Also that was the first time I personally wrote a smut so please don't come for my neck too much.

Also also, today's my birthday lol so here's my gift for y'all xoxo

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