7. What's This

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It was now the next day and currently Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin and both hunters were out. You decided to stay at the house with the deltas.

Deltas were known as some of the best fighters in the pack, the deltas usually train the betas for good fighting skills. Usually when a beta is down a delta will take its spot in a fight.

You slowly walked downstairs to be greeted by Yoongi and Hoseok sitting at the table drinking coffee and chatting amongst themselves.

As soon as you landed at the bottom of the stairwell both men looked up at you.

"Sorry for disrupting your conversation." You said quickly, bowing to them.

"You know a beta never bows down to a delta." Yoongi said as you slowly got up.

"It's okay your still learning." Hoseok said to you with a bright smile as he elbowed Yoongi in his side.

"I was actually wondering if I could ask you guys something." You said quietly.

"Go ahead." Hoseok said, still beaming his bright smile.

"Could you guys teach me how to fight?" You asked shyly.

Both boys looked at each other and smiled, turning their gazes back to you.

"We thought you'd never ask." Both Hoseok and Yoongi said simultaneously.

"When do you wanna start?" Yoongi asked.

"Is now okay?" You responded.

"Yes!" Hoseok said jumping up from his seat.

"Yah you almost knocked over my coffee!" Yoongi scolded.

You let out a little chuckle as Hoseok came over to you.

"Ignore him, lets go outside." He said grabbing your hands.

Hoseok led you outside the house to where there was a clearing in the forest. A perfect place for training.

"I'm gonna teach you hand to hand combat, Yoongi Hyung will teach you how to fight in your wolf form." Hoseok said to you seriously as Yoongi joined you two outside.

"First things first always and I mean always keep your eyes on your enemy." Hoseok explained. "Never take your eyes off them because as soon as you do they'll attack and they'll have the upper hand, understand?" Hoseok asked as he started getting into a fighting position. "Make sure you have a strong closed fist."

You followed with what he said. "Like this?" You asked, raising your hand to show him your fist.

"Perfect, I can tell your gonna be a fast learner!"


A few hours have passed and both you and Hoseok were drenched in sweat as Yoongi sat on the ground, watching you guys intensely.

You and Hoseok just finished sparring with each other. He was right you were a very fast learner.

"Ah I'm exhausted, I taught you everything you need to know, you're an even better learner than kookie but don't tell him that." Hoseok said with a smile.

You chuckled at what he said, still catching your breath from the intense spar you both had.

"I hope you're not tired because now I gotta teach you how to fight in your wolf form." Yoongi said coming up to you and Hoseok.

"Good luck Y/N!" Hoseok said as he ran off quickly.

Yoongi took off his shirt and sweatpants and ran forwards, shifting into a wolf.

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