10. Where Is She

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Jungkook woke up, gasping for air. It was almost as if he couldn't breathe. He kept his eyes closed, hoping that whatever nightmare happened last night was truly just a nightmare.

But what he feared most happened.

He couldn't smell your scent anywhere nearby.

"She's gone.." Jimins voice rang softly behind Jungkook.

Jungkook opened his eyes and was shocked to see how messed up the pack house really was.

Glass was shattered everywhere, blood stains were on the walls and embedded in the carpet of the living area and a few dead bodies here and there.

But he didn't care about that, he only cared about you.

Jungkook jumped to his feet and ran upstairs, hoping that maybe you were in your room.

He nearly busted down your door but to no avail, you weren't there.

Jungkook checked the rest of the rooms and still, no sign of you.

With all his anger and frustration he punched a nearby wall, causing a huge hole.

He took a few deep breaths to calm his shaky nerves and went back downstairs.

"She's not up here." His scratchy voice said to the boys who were just waking up.

"We'll find her." Namjoon said to him, trying his best to calm down his alpha.

"Do we still have that bag with the destroyed drone?" Jungkook asked with nearly no emotion.

"Yes we do, why?" Jin asked joining in on the conversation.

"Grab it, we're heading to the city." He said.

"Are you crazy! That's the last place we should go!" Jin scolded.

Jungkook turned around and grabbed Jin by the collar of his shirt. "I don't give a damn! I need to find her and the only way we can at least try is by getting help from the other packs who have hackers!" He yelled, Jungkook released his grip on Jin and took another deep breath. "I'm sorry hyung, but we need to find her." He said softly.

"Okay, okay let's go." Jin responded softly.

The other boys who were listening got up and started heading for the door. Jin grabbed the bag with the drone pieces and headed for the door as well, with Jungkook trailing closely behind them.

Without saying any words the boys shifted to their wolves, double checked they had what they needed and ran off into the forest, heading towards the city.


Word count: 434

I know this is a very very very short chapter compared with the others but that's because I didn't want to combine Y/N and the boys waking up at different times because it might've gotten confusing.

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