4. Runaway Wolf

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A couple of hours passed by and before you knew it you were in bed laying down. It's officially the first night that you spent at this pack house and so far you enjoyed it.

Or so you thought.

"How are we suppose to trust her!?" You heard the voice you remembered as Yoongi's voice.

Clearly the boys thought that you were asleep but they were wrong. You were using your good hearing to your advantage.

"She doesn't have anyone!" You heard Jungkook whisper yell.

"I don't care, what if she's working for the government?" Yoongi argued back.

"Did you see how terrified she was the night we captured her thinking she was the government? She's most definitely not with them!" You heard Jungkooks voice get a little louder each word.

"What if she was followed? Huh! What if this is all a set up? We will die because of her all because you think she's what, pretty?!" Yoongi was by now yelling at Jungkook as he put emphasis on the word 'will.' "You might be our alpha but you're young and you still don't know how to make radical decisions!" Yoongi added.

You heard a loud bang and you could only assume either Jungkook or Yoongi punched a wall out of frustration, your bets were going on Jungkook.

"She needs to leave, your lucky I don't go up there and drag her out myself." Yoongi spat in a soft voice before you heard both him and Jungkook come upstairs to go to their rooms.

You were still laying in bed on your stomach with your right arm under your pillow which was supporting your head as your other arm held your blanket tight to your body. Slowly hot tears streamed down your face.

You weren't wanted in this pack house and you already knew Jungkook would tell you to leave tomorrow.

As tears streamed down your face you waited until the house was completely silent before you softly got up and started grabbing your things.

You knew that if you were in your wolf form your bag would be way to heavy for you to carry so you decided to only bring back the important things.

You packed a hoodie and some pants into your bag, you packed one pair of shoes and two sets of undergarments. You neatly folded the hoodie Jimin gave you onto your bed and you sacrificed your favorite comfort blanket that smelt like your cabin.

You grabbed your bag and softly opened your door. You tiptoed downstairs into the living room area. You looked over to the coffee table that was in front of the couch and got lucky enough to find a notebook. You went up to the table and grabbed the red notebook and ripped a page out of it, grabbing a black gel pen that was set next to the notebook and you started writing.

Dear Alpha and pack members,

I Omega, lone wolf Y/N am sincerely sorry for bringing such a burden on you guys. I never thought about the Betas feelings or the Deltas or the Hunters feelings, I only thought about my own. Thank you for giving me a place to stay for the day. It was a lovely experience.

Good luck with everything, best of wishes, Y/N

You finished writing your letter as a tear drop landed on it without you noticing. You wiped your face and left the note on top of the notebook, hoping that someone would see it.

You quietly opened the back door of the house and walked outside to be greeted by the cold, harsh weather of the forest. It had just started down pouring, instantly making you and your belongings soaked.

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