9. Break In

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"Twelve more hours boys." The General said to his men who were gearing up. "Make sure you have extra silver bullets, there's eight in total but our mission is to get the girl." "She seems to have a thing with what looks to be either the alpha or a beta so make sure to watch out for him." The general explained as his men nodded their heads, understanding what they were being told. "One last thing." He said as his soldiers looked back at him. "Do not and I repeat, do NOT hold back." He said as his men nodded their heads.


Meanwhile you just woke up, at two in the afternoon, you stretched your body and got up, ready to start your day a tad bit late.

You blushed as you remembered last nights events unfolding in your mind, a smile plastered on your face.

You took a quick shower, threw your hair up, and put on something comfortable and made your way downstairs to the others.

"Well well well, look who decided to join us on this fine afternoon." Jin said as you walked down into the kitchen area.

Jungkook looked up and immediately smiled towards you as you returned the smile.

"I'm sorry I woke up late." You explained as you bowed towards Jin.

"It's okay I'm only playing with ya." Jin said as he passed you a plate of food for lunch.

You gave him a quick thank you and sat at the only seat available, between Jimin and Taehyung.

"Sooo where were you last night?" Jimin asked you with a smirk.

"In my bed why?" You asked, a little nervous.

"Hmm, both you and our lovely alpha here weren't in bed last night, I heard the door open." Jimin said with a smirk.

"Sooo Y/N, what'd you do?" Taehyung asked, joining in on the teasing with a smirk present on his face as well.

"Uhh." You couldn't manage your words properly but thankfully Jungkook came to your rescue.

"Hyungs, stop." He said in a serious tone.

"Ah fine but I will get it out of one of yous!" Jimin said jumping up and leaving the kitchen.

You chuckled at his actions and started eating your meal Jin had prepared for you.


A few hours had passed and before you knew it, it was nearly night time. Who knew cleaning and reorganizing a room could take up so much time.

"AHA I KNEW IT!" You heard what sounded like Jimins familiar voice scream out. "Y/N GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!"

"PARK JIMIN DON'T LET ME HEAR ANOTHER WORD LIKE THAT COME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH." Jin screamed out from what sounds like to opposite side of the house.

You chuckled and went downstairs towards the living room.

"Yes?" You asked with a smile.

"You kissed our alpha!" Jimin and Taehyung said in unison.

Your eyes went wide and your cheeks went hot as they kept pointing at you and giggling.

"I'll murder you hyung." Jungkook said to the two boys who were teasing the both of you.

"Okay okay we'll stop." Jimin said as he grabbed Taehyung's hand walked away.

You and Jungkook looked at each other and laughed from what just happened.


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