18. I like This Pack House

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You opened your eyes to a bright room with the sun seeping in through the white curtains. You got up out of an empty bed and got dressed for the day, simply wearing a pair of denim jeans and a black T-shirt.

You went downstairs and found an unsuspecting Jungkook in the kitchen making himself a meal.

"Why didn't you wake me?" You asked as you wrapped your arms around his torso, giving him a back hug.

"You looked comfortable." Jungkook said as he chuckled.

"Where are the others?" You asked, your arms still wrapped around his torso.

"Right now Jin and Namjoon hyung are shopping at a grocery store, Taehyung and Jimin hyung are buying us all a new wardrobe and Yoongi and Hobi hyung are training outside." He explained as he turned around and gave you a peck on the lips.

You smiled, "I like this pack house, there's more to do."

"Me too, let's just hope it doesn't get destroyed like the last one." He said.

"Speaking of that, any updates?" You asked.

"Not right now, seems to me like that scientist is trying to keep a low profile and is hiding in his lab." Jungkook responded.

"We're back!" Taehyung's voice rang out as the door opened.

"We have gifts!" Jimin said right behind Taehyung. "We didn't get a lot but hey it's better than what we had." He added.

"One bag for you, one bag for you." Taehyung said as he gave both you and Jungkook a white shopping bag, filled with various items.

"Colorful." You said out loud as you peeked into the bag Taehyung had given you.

"Oh yeah, Y/N has the best clothes out of all of us." Jimin said.

"Why?" Jungkook asked him with a fake hurt expression.

"It's fun shopping for girls, also all you like is black." Jimin said, "if you don't like it I'll take it back." He added with a an attitude before he broke out into a fit of laughter.


"I don't care Chaewon, either you find them or you're dead." The old scientist spat as he kept whipping Chaewon.

"Y-yes sir I understand." She responded, trying her best not to sound like she's in pain.

Chaewon is one of the only hybrids who can detect a certain scent from far away. The only other hybrid who can do that is you, but of course, you didn't know that.

"Take this." The scientist said as he lowered his whip and handed Chaewon a piece of your shirt that had ripped off sometime while you were captured.

Chaewon brought the ripped piece of cloth to her nose and took in the scent. A scent she recognized and missed dearly.

"Remember Chaewon, you're not her friend anymore, you're one of us now." The scientist said in her ear.

Chaewon nodded her head, "Yes sir." She said shakily.

"Now find her, bring guards with you because not only do I want her, I want the entire pack." The scientist said, "Take them, dead or alive but make sure Y/N is alive, the rest I don't care." He added.

Chaewon nodded her head and put the piece of ripped cloth in her pocket.

"And bring my sweet Eunbi with you." He said as the vampire hybrid with milky white skin and jet black hair walked into the room that they were standing in.

Eunbi smiled sinisterly, "I cant wait to get my hands on three-five-five-six." She said with a chuckle.

The scientist smiled "Now go my sweet hybrids." He said as he motioned for Eunbi and Chaewon to leave the room and to go find you along with armed guards.


"Appreciate it." Jin said as he handed the table filled with hungry werewolves a bowl of pasta. "Since we can't hunt for a bit it's time to try some other things." He said.

"Hyung.." Jungkook whined.

"Don't hyung me." Jin raised an eyebrow as he responded to the young alpha.

Jungkook put his hands up in surrender, immediately changing his attitude as he grabbed the bowl of pasta and put some in his plate.

You did the same, passing the bowl to Hoseok who was sat next to you.

You took a bite of your pasta, letting the taste melt in your mouth, "Wow this is amazing!" You said.

Jin stood up from his seat and did a small bow. "Why thank you Y/N, at least you love me enough to appreciate my food." He said.

"Thank you hyung." The six other boys said in unison as you and Jin smiled at each other and chuckled.


"She's somewhere over here." Chaewon said as she was outside in the cool night air along with Eunbi and a few armed guards from the laboratory.

"Remember guys, dead or alive as long as we keep Y/N alive." Eunbi said to the group with a sinister chuckle.

Word count: 824

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