12. We Need Your Help

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Jungkook and the boys soon made it to the city. It was currently dark out so they were able to continue their travel as wolves.

"We're almost there." Namjoon linked with the others.

Currently the boys were heading to an ally of theirs, another pack and pack house that was located in the city. These boys didn't shift into wolves very often since they live in the city. But they do spend lots of time hacking government files and tracking other wolves to save them.

Soon the boys made it to a familiar dead end street. They walked down it until they reached a simple white house with a cream colored front door.

Almost instantly Jungkook and the boys shifted back to their regular human forms and knocked on the door, not caring that they have nothing but boxers on.

Soon the cream colored door opened and revealed a tall man with dark hair.

"What's wrong!?" He exclaimed, knowing that whenever the Bangtan boys went to them, they were in deep trouble.

"I need to find her..." Jungkook said in a distressed tone.


Meanwhile you finally regained your consciousness. Your head felt a little cloudy and you had a slight migraine but that didn't stop you from trying to get out the chains that tied you up.

"Dammit!" You yelled as a sharp end of the chain cut into your skin.

"You do remember that those are laced with wolfsbane right?" The old voice from earlier said.

Feeling aggravated, you stopped. "What do you really want from me." You said in an authoritative tone.

The man looked up at you and chuckled. He walked up to you, his face inches from yours. "Simple.." He trailed. "Your abilities, and maybe some of those other wolves as well." He added.

Feeling anger rise within you, you somehow got one leg loose and you used that leg to kick the old man back as hard as you could.

He nearly flew a few feet due to your strength and he landed with a dud.

"Why you little bitch!" He exclaimed as he stood up. "I don't know how you did that but I'll make sure you get what's coming." The old man spat as he looked at you one last time before he looked back. "Eunbi!" He yelled out as a girl with jet black hair and a piercing gaze came in almost instantly.

"Yes, sir?" She asked him.

"Take care of this one she disrespected me." He spat as he left.

The girl that goes by the name Eunbi looked at you with her piercing cat like eyes.

She closed her eyes and opened them again, her eyes now a bright red color.

"What are you!" You yelled. She had a scent but nothing like a wolf scent.

She walked up to you. "I'm the new experiment..." She trailed off. "Ever heard of vampires?" She asked as she tilted her head and smiled, revealing sharp fangs.

Before you could answer she swung her fist into your face at an alarming speed. She kept hitting you over and over again.

You could taste the familiar metallic taste of blood in your mouth and you could feel every cut and bruise being formed on your face over the old wounds.

"Oh we're not done here yet." She said in your ear.


"What experiment number did she go by?" The man from before, Jongin asked as he hooked up a chip from the broken drone into his computer.

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