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Hi everyone ! First and foremost I wanna thank you all for taking time out of your day to read my story.

So far 'Hunted' is going to be one of the longest books I've written

(Not including idol and idols since they're separate books)

I just wanna check in and see if you're all enjoying the story

Is the story going the way you wanted it to ?

Is there anything you'd like to see in the story? (Relationships, fight scenes, fluff, etc)

Please request anything! Any ideas will be helpful so I can make sure the story will be exactly what you wanted.

Please note if you do request something it might take some time to see it in the story since I always have two chapters pre written before I release another chapter.

Anyways please let me know about anything ! ♡

Currently I'm having a small writers block so another chapter should be uploaded within the week.

Once again thank you all for reading my story ♡

Hunted | jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now