13. Lets Go Get Your Girl

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"You do realize once we get her out you guys will be on the run. She's special to them and so if she's gone all of you WILL be hunted." Sehun explained to the bangtan boys, putting emphasis on will.

"We get that, but we've been hunted ever since we broke out." Jungkook said pointing to himself and his pack members.

Sehun sighed and looked at his computer, motioning for the boys of bangtan to surround him and look at his computer. "You guys will wait here." He said pointing to a discreet road on a map, splayed out on his computer. "Chanyeol will be able to go in there but in order for him to get her he'll have no choice but to kill whatever guards are around." He explained, "alarms will most likely go off so that means as soon as you hear them you go to this door and grab Y/N, me, Jongin and the rest of our pack will grab Chanyeol and be on our way to a new pack house that we have." Sehun explained.

"And if that doesn't work?" Namjoon asked.

Sehun looked at him, "it'll work." He said.

"When should we go?" Jimin asked as he looked out the window, seeing the sun starting to set.

"Now." Sehun said standing up.


You just woke up once again. The girl, Eunbi was finally no where to be seen.

You could feel all the wounds on your face and body. You couldn't heal since the weakened wolfsbane in your blood stream stopped you from doing so.

You tried moving around, your arms have been above your head for about two days now and they're starting to feel numb.

Just then the door to the laboratory was opened.

"Back for more?" You asked harshly.

"Sorry sweetie but Eunbi is out." The familiar old scientist said.

You simply rolled your eyes at him.

The old scientist grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him.

"Since Eunbi beat you now it's time for me to get that satisfaction." He said sharply. "Don't ever disrespect me again, hybrid." He spat as he grabbed a scalpel off of a table.

You looked back at him in fear as flashbacks from what previously happened to you in the lab came rushing through your mind.

The scientists simply laughed as he bent down and stabbed your thigh with the scalpel.

You tried your hardest to hold in your screams.

He simply laughed as he dragged the now bloody scalpel down your thigh, stopping right above your knee.

By now you were screaming with tears streaming down your face, the pain being so unbearable.

"You know instead of stem cells maybe bone marrow will be much more efficient." The old scientist chuckled.

The old man got up, dropping the scalpel that was once inside your thigh on the ground. He walked over to his table and grabbed two giant syringes.

"This'll be fun." He smiled.

He stabbed one syringe into your leg, moving it deeper to where it nearly touched your bone.

Your screaming stopped as soon as you felt dizzy and soon black dots starting to cloud your vision.

Before you knew it you fainted, once again.


"Well why aren't we getting out!" Jungkook yelled at Sehun who was sat in the drivers seat of a large black van.

Sehun took a deep breath to explain.

"It's bad isn't it?" Hoseok said, looking at the mans facial expression.

Sehun nodded, "We contacted Chanyeol, he knows where she is but he cant get to her yet." Sehun explained.

"Why not?" Taehyung asked, joining in on their conversation.

Sehun took another breath and looked forward in his vehicle, "The head scientist went inside the room shes in and.." He trailed off.

"And what?" Jungkook asked rather harshly.

"He heard her screaming in pain.." Sehun trailed off.

Jungkook felt his heart drop at those words. He wasn't upset or sad, he was angry. Angry that you got taken, angry that he couldn't protect you and angry that your suffering. "I'll go get her then." He said as he started to move towards the vans door.

Jimin and Jin grabbed ahold of Jungkooks arms.

"You gotta wait Kook, going in there now could cost the lives of all of us." Jin said nicely to him, hoping that he'll understand and not act on impulse.

"She needs our help hyung!" Jungkook yelled.

"Guys." Sehun said but to no avail no one heard him. "Guys!" He yelled a little louder and thankfully everyone heard him this time. "Get ready the scientist left, Chanyeols going in now." He said as he grabbed two hand pistols out of the glove department in his van. "Taehyung and Jimin these are for you, you guys will stay outside near the door just incase any guards come outside." He said handing the pistols to the betas who nodded their heads. "Namjoon and Jin you guys stay in the back to get ready to open the doors when she arrives." He explained. "Jungkook, Hoseok and Yoongi, you guys are goin in, me and Jongin will stay in here and monitor the building to make sure nothing goes south."

Jungkook nodded his head and looked at his members."Let's do this."

Word count: 882

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