24. What do You Want

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"Where did he take her?" Jungkook linked to the boys as he was sat there in his chains, emotionless.

It has been approximately three days since the boys last saw you and the scientist.

Jungkook spent his days refusing to talk to any guard or eat whenever a servant came into the room to feed them all.

Each man was tired, hungry, and exhausted but Jungkook refused to sleep, or eat.

"You need to eat something Jungkook." Jin linked as he knew that the servants were coming to feed them anytime soon.

"Not until I see that she's okay." Jungkook linked back.

"Eat up boys." A servant along with a guard said as he came into the room, holding a tray of what looked like to be leftover food.

The guard gave each boy a small piece before he stopped right in front of Jungkook.

"You gonna eat today?" He asked as he squatted to be face to face with Jungkook.

Jungkook simply turned his head and ignored the guard.

"Worried about your little girlfriend?" He asked with a smirk growing on his face.

Jungkook looked the guard in the eyes, about to speak his mind before he was cut off.

"You do realize she's dead right?" The guard questioned. "She's been dead for quite some time." He chuckled.

"You're lying." Jungkook spoke up as the guard stood up and grabbed the now empty tray.

"So he does speak!" He yelled as he turned to look at Jungkook again. "Why do you think you haven't seen her in three days." He chuckled as he walked out.

Jungkook clenched his jaw as he tried to not let out the tears that were pooling his eyes.

"Don't believe him Jungkook, he's just bluffing." Jimin said in a low voice so they wouldn't get caught talking, by now the cloth around their mouths were loose and hung around their necks so they were free to talk.

"I'm sure they're just holding her in another cell." Yoongi, who was next to Jungkook said as he tried to console him.

"She's too important to him, there's no way they would kill her." Namjoon spoke up.

Jungkook couldn't listen to what they were saying anymore as he finally snapped. "Then why haven't we seen that scientist from before? Or the vampire and the other hybrid, why can't I smell her scent anywhere!" He yelled as tears started to flowed down his face one by one, feeling a mixture of sad, angry and scared.

The boys didn't say anything back, knowing he was right, they didn't see the scientist or the other experiments in the lab, and they certainly couldn't smell your scent anymore. They were all too afraid to admit that the guard was probably right, you probably are dead and they couldn't do anything to help you.


"They think you're dead." The scientist chuckled as he walked towards you. "I'm sure they'll be shocked when they see you again." He laughed.

"What more do you want from me?" You asked, voice weak and strained from screaming and crying from all the torture the scientist had put you through.

"I want you to go into that room and tell them that you no longer want to be with them and that if they don't leave you'll kill them." The scientist said to you sternly.

"And if I don't?" You spat back.

The scientist leaned his head closer to yours. "Then I'll shoot your precious alpha, don't forget a gun is pointed at him and even he doesn't know it." The scientist chuckled.

You turned towards the scientist, your face covered in scratches with dried tear stains down your face. "Why are you doing this?" You asked as you felt tears starting to pool your eyes once again.

You hated feeling weak and crying in front of others but your body couldn't take it anymore. You felt yourself slowly slipping from reality, almost as if your mind wanted to go to another place and block out everything in the present.

"I'm doing this because this is what wolves get." He spat.

"That's not it.." You shook your head. "Why are you really doing this?" You asked him, your eyes pleading and begging for an actual answer.

The scientist looked down, not knowing what to say.

"SeoJoon." You said.

The scientist pulled your face closer to his.

"Don't call me that." He spat.

"Or what, SeoJoon?" You spat.

"I'll kill them." He smirked.

"No you won't, I'm the one you want SeoJoon." You said, the exhaustion evident in your voice. "Please let them go and I'll do whatever you want, anything." You pleaded.

"Anything?" He smirked.

Despite regretting what you just said, you shook your head yes. Especially if it meant saving your pack.

"Just let them go." You begged.

"We'll see, Y/N, we'll see." He smirked.

Word count: 813

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