31. Run To Live, Stay And Die

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You, Eunbi, the boys and the remaining hybrids spent some time talking with one another, figuring out a plan on where to go and what to do.

"They'll be looking for big groups of people." Jungkook said to you and the other six boys.

"True, we'll all have to split up and travel in our wolf forms." You responded back to him.

"We'll have to leave this city immediately." Yoongi spoke up. "If we stay we WILL die." He added, emphasis on 'will.'

You nodded your head and walked over to a group of survivor hybrids who were chatting amongst themselves.

"What are our options?" A fairly young vampire hybrid asked.

"Run to live, stay and die, those are your options." You responded back to her.

"Where would we go?" The same hybrid asked.

You looked down at your feet. "I don't know." You responded. You walked away and looked at the burning facility, all of your mixed emotions bubbling inside of you. You went to sit down onto the grass until you heard a faint siren in the distance. "Guys.." Your voice trailed off.

"What is it Y/N?" Jin asked as he and the other boys noticed your worried look.

"We gotta go now, cops are on their way." You said as you dashed over to them.

Jungkook nodded his head at your words. "Everyone!" He yelled out as all the vampire and werewolf hybrids looked over to him. "The cops are on their way and they probably have a lot of backup so we need to go now." He said sternly.

"Eunbi travel with us." You said as you walked over to her.

"Are you sure that's smart?" She asked.

"For now, yes." You responded. "Guys we gotta leave now the sirens are getting closer and louder!" You said aloud as the cops, hybrid hunters and scientists were slowly on their way.

Quickly, everyone shifted into their full forms, werewolves in their wolf forms and vampires in their full form.

Packs of wolves and vampires started to run towards the forest as you, Eunbi, Jungkook, and the other boys of bangtan waited and made sure no one was left behind.

Once everyone was gone and on their way to the dense forest, your pack, including Eunbi started to run as fast as they could to the forest.

Eunbi, using her super speed, thanks to her vampire abilities was able to keep up with your fast wolves.

Soon everyone made it to the dense forest, giving you all at least a couple of hours before nighttime took over.

"What should we do?" Taehyung asked as he linked the pack.

"We should stay like this, we'll have a better advantage to run if we get found." Jungkook answered.

"Are you guys gonna stay like this?" Eunbi asked as she walked over to you still in your wolf form.

Since you obviously couldn't link with her, your wolf nodded her head.

"Better advantage?" She asked.

Once again you nodded your head.

"I'll let the other wolves know." Eunbi said as she patted your wolfs head and walked over to the other wolves.

"Hey guys I found a small clearing with a cave that we could spend the night in, it's not much but it could be useful." Yoongi linked as he walked over to the group.

"Is that where you went?" Hoseok asked him.

Yoongis wolf nodded its head as the rest of the boys, including you listened in.

"Where's the clearing?" Jungkook asked.

"Not far I'll show you." Yoongi responded.

"Y/N, could you stay here and watch everyone?" Jungkook linked to you.

You nodded your head as he turned around and started running away, deeper into the forest with Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung.


It wasn't long till the boys got back and showed everyone the clearing along with the small cave.

It wasn't long till it became night and the vampires agreed to stay out of the cave and stand guard since they enjoyed the cool night.

You and the wolves went inside the cave to rest after today's long, tiring day.

You shifted out of your wolf form and threw on your ripped up dirty shirt and pants that you luckily remembered to bring with you.

Jungkook found his way towards you and shifted out of his wolf form, throwing on the pair of sweat pants he brought.

"No shirt?" You asked him.

"Nope, you know you like what you see." He grinned, showing his bunny smile.

You playfully rolled your eyes at him. "Well you're not wrong." You said as you both let out a chuckle. "I'm exhausted." You added as you let out a yawn.

"So sleep." He stated matter of factly.

"Wow I've never thought of that." You responded to him.

Jungkook deadpanned to you before he let out a laugh. "I've missed you so much." He whispered as he sat next to you, burying his head into the crook of your neck.

"I've missed you too." You said back as you ran your fingers threw his soft black hair.

The both of you sat like this before you heard soft snores coming from Jungkook.

You smiled to yourself as you gave him a peck on his forehead and continued to stroke his hair as he peacefully slept in your arms.

Word count: 895

Soft Jungoo hours: open

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