33. What We Are

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It took about two and a half days to reach the new town and pack house.

"Sehun said that there should be clothes and shoes that fit us, he had a couple of people from his pack come here and prepare the house." Namjoon linked as you neared your soon to be new home.

"Please tell me they have good taste in fashion." Jimin linked back as you finally found your new home.

The pack house wasn't as big as the others, it was a decent sized grey house with a pretty porch painted white.

The eight of you shifted back to your human forms and instantly darted towards the house.

The seven boys practically shoved themselves through the door as you chuckled and threw on your ripped up shirt and pants.

You walked in after them admiring the nicely painted white walls that held a few paintings.

You looked around the kitchen and living area and eventually made your way upstairs, where all the bedrooms were held.

You saw each boy inside their rooms and you walked down the hallway, eventually finding your room.

Your room was right across from Jungkooks. It had tan walls with a nice sized bed that had a white duvet. You looked around the room and saw it had a bathroom attached to it and you silently thanked Sehun for giving you the best room in the house.

After you were done admiring you looked through your closet and found a plain white tank top along with a pair of black sweat pants.

Thankfully whoever prepared your room was another woman with a good fashion taste since your closet held many pretty shirts, pants and dresses as well as multiple sets of undergarments.

You made your way to the bathroom and took a long hot shower, enjoying the feeling of the hot water hitting your back.

Soon you got out as you heard Jins voice yelling out saying to come downstairs and eat.

You quickly threw on your clothes and made your way downstairs, leaving your hair down to dry.

"How'd you take a shower if Yoongi hyung was the first one in." Jungkook asked.

"I have my own." You chuckled as you wiggles your eyebrows.

Jungkook gave you an offended look before he let out a little laugh.

"I miss cooking my delicious meals." Jin said as he brought over a big plate filled with seasoned meat.

"I miss eating." You said as you all dug into the food that Jin had brought over to the table.


After eating it was nearing night time and you laid in your bed, scrolling through random channels on the television, trying to find a show that interested you.

You heard a soft knock on your door, followed by Jungkooks voice asking to come in.

After saying yes Jungkook walked into your room, lightly walking over to your bed and sitting next to you. He leaned against the headboard of the bed and put one arm around you.

"How are you." He asked as his eyes were on your tv that was hung up on the wall.

"Tired." You said as you pressed on a random channel letting it play whatever show was on.

Jungkook used his other hand and gently turned your face to face his.

"How are you really." He whispered.

You let out a small sigh. "I'm scared, I'm afraid to make myself sleep, each time I close my eyes all I see is you and the others getting hurt and I keep seeing Chaewon getting shot, I only slept in the cave because I didn't realize that I fell asleep, now I'm Just afraid." You ranted as tears pooled your eyes.

"I'm here Y/N, I won't let anything happen to you, I'll always protect you." Jungkook said as he used his thumb to wipe your tears away.

You wrapped your arms around Jungkooks strong body. "C-can you sleep with me?" You asked shyly as you buried your head in his chest.

Jungkook chuckled. "I thought you'd never ask." He said with a big smile on his face.

You moved back into your original spot, releasing your arms around Jungkook as you smiled at him.

"Remember that time when you asked me what we were?" He asked you as he took your hand into his.

"I remember." You said.

"You remember how I said that we're two people who like each other a lot and that we should wait till this is all over." He added.

"What are you getting at?" You asked.

"Y/N, can we be together?" He asked as his cheeks turned a light pink color.

You looked at Jungkook, your cheeks turning a light pink color as you nodded your head. "Thought you'd never ask." You chuckled.

Jungkook gave you his signature bunny smile as he pulled you in for a loving kiss.

The two of you spent the night like that. Cuddled up against each other, talking and laughing before the both of you eventually got tired and fell asleep in each other's arms.

Word count: 851


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