34. Finally Free

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It was the next day as you and the other wolves of bangtan were sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast together and chatting.

"So you're telling me that you finally asked her out and you didn't bother on telling us until now." Jimin scoffed as he looked offended. "I thought you loved us Jungkook." He added as he wiped a fake tear.

You and Jungkook chuckled at Jimins remark.

"I could've woken you up but Yoongi hyung probably would've killed us all." Jungkook stated.

"You're right about that one." Yoongi said as he nodded his head.

Namjoon was currently focused on the tv before he called for everyone's attention on the television.

"What is it hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"Just listen to this, I have a feeling this might be important." Namjoon responded as he put a finger over his lips.

"After searching for the experiments from one of the biggest laboratory facilities in South Korea none have turned up. It's been a few days with no terror from the hybrids so after multiple discussions the president as well as the government have ruled that the hybrids are not causing any harm and they will no longer be hunted down and used for experiments. All hybrids will be treated as regular citizens, arrested like regular citizens and become one within the community, thank you." A news reported said.

You all looked at each other shocked.

"Are we finally free?" You asked aloud.

Jungkook chuckled and smiled the biggest smile you've ever seen. "We're free." He said.

All the wolves in the house started cheering. You, Jin, Jimin and Hoseok let out a few tears of happiness at the good news.

"It'll still be a while before society gets used to us so I suggest we take baby steps." Yoongi said as you all nodded at his words.

"I think we should all celebrate!" Jin yelled out loud as he stood up from his chair and went over to a cabinet that was above the sink in the kitchen. "I'm not sure who's smart idea this was but we have alcohol!" He added.

"Oh god." You said to yourself as you could only imagine what a house filled with seven drunk hybrids would sound like.

"Your not gonna have any drinks Y/N?" Taehyung asked.

"I'll have like one or two but one of us needs to stay sober and make sure none of you accidentally kill each other." You chuckled.

"Maybe that's a good thing since Jimin is secretly an alcoholic." Jungkook said aloud which resulted in Jimin punching his arm.

"Not true Kook." Jimin stated.

You all let out a laugh as Jin poured everyone a drink.

"To finally being free." You said as you held your cup up in the air.

"To finally being free." The boys said in unison as you all clinked your drinks together in a toast and downed the alcoholic beverage fast.

"Now that's good." Jimin said as he went to pour himself another cup as you all sat there and laughed, finally feeling happy and safe.

Word count: 512

There's one more chapter left :(

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