5. The Third Beta

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It has been about a week that you've been with the boys and you've started to learn a lot about them.

You learned that their pack goes by the name Bangtan and you've also learned a lot about each of their past.

You and Yoongi were actually on great terms. At times he would come and talk to you whenever he had pent up emotions building inside of him. He finally trusted you and you couldn't be any more happier.

However whenever you saw Jungkook you couldn't help but admire his handsome features. You felt yourself slowly developing a small little crush on him.

You couldn't help but smile at the thought of you and Jungkook being in a cute relationship.

'Like that'd ever happen.' You mentally thought to yourself.

As you were laying in your bed, curled up in the blankets you felt your eyelids get heavy and eventually a deep sleep took over you.

Currently the seven men of Bangtan were downstairs, gathered in the living room discussing important things, such as you.

"I think we should add her to the pack." Jungkook said, looking at his fellow pack members.

"I think she'll be a great addition, plus she's a lone wolf, she does deserve a pack." Jin said, agreeing with his alpha.

"Don't you think it might be too soon?" Yoongi chimed in as Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung nodded their heads in agreement.

"We became a pack within a week we knew each other." Jungkook stated matter of factly.

"You do have a point.." Yoongi trailed off as the others looked down.

"What would she become?" Hoseok asked as an awkward silence started taking over them.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked, cocking his head towards Hoseok.

"Would she be a beta, delta or hunter." Hoseok said.

Jungkook thought it over what would you become? 

"It depends on the type of tattoo she develops, I'd assume hunter since she knows how to hunt." Jungkook said to his older member.

Whenever a new wolf joins a pack a certain ritual will occur. Each member of said pack will shift to their half hybrid forms, meaning their not fully shifted into a wolf.

Each member of said pack will bite the new wolf joining the pack, with the alpha biting last.

The bites happen in the same spot, on the right side of the neck, more towards the shoulder.

Once each pack member has bitten the new wolf a scar will form, the scar, being so intricate, wolves refer to them as tattoos.

There are four different type of tattoos that could form, indicating what rank you are.

A wolf on a mountain slope, indicating a beta. A wolf mid jump, indicating a hunter. A wolf in a stance, ready to fight, indicating a delta and finally a wolf looking up, indicating an alpha. Those were the different 'tattoos' a wolf could get after joining a pack.

An omega-lone wolf like you wouldn't have a tattoo since you were never part of a pack before.

The boys of Bangtan were discussing more on the matter of you joining their pack and they finally made a decision.

"Tomorrow, when she wakes up we will ask her, if she's not comfortable now we can wait, if she's ready we'll do the ritual." Jungkook said as the other pack members focused on his words and nodded their heads.

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