16. Dinner Table

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"What do we do if they find us and break in again?" Taehyung asked the group as you all were surrounding the kitchen table eating dinner.

It's currently been a week since you've been back, the new pack house is looking more homey and this time you guys are able to go out and shop since you were closer to humanity and not in the middle of a remote forest.

"We'll be ready for them this time, don't worry about it now hyung when the time comes then we'll worry about it." Jungkook responded as he was stuffing his face with bulgogi.

"The first time they broke in, what were they using to keep us at bay?" Jin asked the table, "it was so loud." He added.

"It was a dog whistle." You said to him.

"How did it not affect you?" Jin asked you as he used his chopsticks to shove some more black noodles into his mouth.

You took a sip of your water before answering him. "I'm used to it, in the labs whenever I didn't do something right or whenever I spoke they would blow the whistle." "One day I just didn't hear it anymore but I acted like I did so they wouldn't do anything else to me." You explained.

Jin did a silent 'oh' and continued eating his meal.

"Will they even be able to find us?" Jimin asked as he was silently listening the entire time.

"They found our pack house in the middle of the forest." Yoongi responded in a 'clearly they will' like tone of voice.

"I'm sorry." You said our loud.

"For?" Jungkook asked.

"I'm the reason why they're coming after everyone.." You trailed off. "Just let me go back, I'm the one they want anyways." You added.

"Are you crazy?" Jin asked. "Your one of us now Y/N, we're all we have." He added.

"Your battles are our battles." Jungkook added in with the others nodding their heads in agreement.

You scanned the table looking at each wolf. "I just can't help but feel guilty.."

"Don't feel guilty, not only did they hurt you but they hurt us as well." Taehyung said to you as he reached out to hold your hand. "We're all one big family, nothing will change that." He said, showing his signature boxy smile.

You smiled at all of them and continued eating your meal. Your mind couldn't help but wonder when or if they'll find you.

Word count: 439

Sorry for the really short chapter, this was another filler chapter

butttt I think you guys are really gonna enjoy the next chap ;)

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