23. No Way In Hell

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It was the early morning of the next day. Currently you and the boys were still chained up, tired, hungry and in pain from the tight chains.

At the moment nobody was in the room so you took your chance to grab the boys attention.

"Guys!" You whispered yelled a few times before each man had their eyes on you. "If I try to attack the scientist he'll either take me somewhere or kill me, that'll be the perfect chance for all of you guys to escape." You whispered yelled to them.

Jungkook instantly shook his head no as he struggled to protest due to the cloth in his mouth. 

"B-but It'll save you guys..." You trailed off.

Jin somehow got the cloth around his mouth off to where it was hanging like a necklace. "There is no way in hell we're gonna let you do that Y/N." He said sternly, eyes flashing a quick golden color.

"I don't want you guys to die because of me!" You said a tad bit louder than you originally intended.

"We'll figure something out Y/N, we always do." Jin said hopeful.


"Hello my hybrids!" The scientist from before said as he walked into the lab where a bunch of chained hybrids were.

You and Jin instantly stopped talking to each other as you and the boys looked away as Jin moved his head to get the loosened cloth back around his mouth before anyone could notice.

As the scientist was babbling to himself you took your chance to free one of your hands from the chains, cutting it up in the process due to the chains being too tight.

You mustered all the strength you could and linked each of the boys. "You guys know I'm not gonna listen.. you can't die because of me, save yourselves." You linked to them.

"What are you talking about?" Hoseok asked as he linked back to you.

"Y/N... no." Jungkook pleaded sternly.

You looked towards the boys and mouthed 'I'm sorry' to them.

You looked at Jungkook and you noticed how his eyes started to gloss over as a single tear streamed down his face as a look of worry took over him.

"Now where were we Y/N." The scientist said as he turned back towards you.

As he was out in the open, defenseless, you swung your hand down, quickly turning into your hybrid form and clawing him in the chest.

You growled towards him as he struggled to stand up due to the present wound on his chest.

With the adrenaline pumping through your veins you pulled off the rest of the chains.

You walked towards the scientist who was struggling to get up as you kicked him hard, causing him to fly over to the other side of the room.

You could hear the boys saying things through the cloths but you couldn't make out what exactly they were saying.

You walked towards the scientist and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

Before you could do or say anything you felt a sharp pain in the side of your neck.

Instantly, your body went limp and you felt yourself shift back to your regular human form.

A shot of pain erupted through your body before everything went black, and you were brought back to an oddly familiar darkness.

Word count: 565

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