3. Thank You Alpha

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You got out of the bathroom as you finished taking a shower and changing into something light and comfortable. Jimin was nice enough to give you a hoodie of his as he visited your room to apologize for what he did for the millionth time.

His hoodie went a little above your knees but it was still long enough to wear it comfortably like a dress.

You looked out the window to see the sun was just starting to set.

You turned around facing the door when you heard knocks on it.

"Come in." You said as you quickly checked how you looked to make sure you were somewhat presentable.

Jungkook came into your room with black sweats and a black hoodie along with combat boots.

"I just realized you'll probably need some clothes so I was wondering if you'd like to join the hunters to go to your cabin?" He asked you.

Your face instantly lit up when he said those words. "Yes, I'd love to!" You said with a smile.

"Great, I'll join you guys to make sure nothing goes south, do you know how to hunt?" He asked you, tilting his head.

You nodded your head. "Yes, the other night when all this happened I was actually walking to my regular hunting space." You told him. "There tends to be many deer and rabbits around there." You added.

He payed good attention to what you were saying. "Well we'll stop by your cabin and then we'll hunt, or maybe we'll do both, I'm not sure we'll have to figure it out." He said causing the both of you to chuckle. "Anyways we're gonna get ready to hunt, you should too." He said with a small smile as he walked out.

You were excited to go home, even if it was only for a few minutes.


It was now completely dark outside in the forest, you weren't sure how long it'll take to get back to your cabin but either way, you were still happy.

You threw on the pair of leggings that had rips through them since you didn't want to go downstairs in just a hoodie and undergarments.

You threw on your trainers and went downstairs to be greeted by Jin, Namjoon and Jungkook.

"You ready!" Jungkook asked you, seeming just as excited as you were.

You gave him a big smile and nodded.

"Don't mind him, he doesn't hunt very often." Namjoon said with a smile that showed his dimples.

"We'll be the ones protecting you." Jin said as he pointed to himself and Namjoon.

Jungkook flashed them each a glare before he turned his attention to you.

"They usually hunt as wolves, are you comfortable shifting, or would you be more comfortable half shifting?" He asked you with a small smile.

You thought about your answer. Would you be able to shift into a wolf after so long? There was only on way to find out.

"I'll try to shift if that's okay.." You said not very sure of yourself.

"Okay that's fine, let's go!" Jungkook said as he clapped his hands and opened the door to the outside.

You walked outside with the boys behind you as the cool air hit your face. You smiled to yourself as you turned around to be greeted by two wolves and Jungkook.

"Wow you guys shifted really fast!" You said excitedly admiring Namjoon who had beautiful brown fur and golden eyes and Jin who had beautiful brown fur like Namjoon except his was just a tad bit darker.

Hunted | jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now