19. What Are We

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It was currently midday as you were sat in your room, reading a book, trying to relax your body and mind from all the stress that you've been experiencing lately.

"Hey Y/N.." A shy Yoongi said as he was standing at your door way.

"Hi Yoongi, you can come in." You said as you sat up more in your bed.

"Well I was actually wondering if you'd like to train with us today." He asked.

"I'd love too." You smiled.

Yoongi nodded his head and motioned you to come outside.

You followed him to the back of the house where a large backyard was.

Currently Taehyung and Jimin were in their wolf forms sparring with each other with a focused Hoseok looking over them.

Namjoon and Jin were in their hybrid forms sparring with each other as a shirtless Jungkook was looking over them in place of Yoongi.

"Everyone take a break." Yoongi said to the focused boys.

They all nodded as Jimin and Taehyung shifted out of their wolf form and back into their human form.

Hoseok came up to you and sat next to you on the ground. "I want you to spar along with Jimin and Taehyung." He said.

You nodded your head "Okay."

Soon Jimin and Taehyung were back up and in their wolf forms.

"We're gonna watch to see how you do." Yoongi said as he sat down on the ground alongside Jin, Namjoon and Jungkook to watch over you, Taehyung and Jimin.

You simply nodded your head towards them, feeling nervous from all the eyes that are on you.

Jimin and Taehyung looked at each other in their wolf form and nodded their heads before they started sparring with each other.

"Here goes nothing." You whispered to yourself as you took a few steps back.

You closed your eyes and focused on your surroundings, clearing out any noise.

You felt the cool breeze blowing through your hair as you opened your eyes and ran forward, taking a giant leap as you shifted to your white wolf with golden eyes.

Your wolf immediately jumped in the fight with Jimin and Taehyung as Hoseok and the others who sat down on the grass stared in awe.


After a few hours of training and sparring you and the boys were back inside the house.

Currently the deltas and hunters were engrossed in a television show. Taehyung and Jimin were in the basement of the pack house, working out together in their human forms. You and Jungkook were in his room sitting on the bed, watching a separate television show on a small tv that was hung on the wall.

"Hey Jungkook." You said, eyes still focused on the show in front of you.

"Yeah?" He questioned, his attention focused on the show.

"What are we?" You asked out of the blue.

"What?" He asked, his full attention now on you.

You put the show on pause as your eyes met his, "I mean like what are we?" You asked again.

"In what terms?" He asked.

"Are we dating or not?" You asked him.

"I really like you Y/N I do but I feel like we should wait until this whole thing with the government and the scientists blows over and were not the head of the news anymore." Jungkook explained.

"That makes sense..." You trailed off looking towards the paused television screen.

"Listen Y/N." Jungkook said as he put a finger under your chin and gently made you look at him. "To answer your question, we're two people who like each other a lot, we're two people who want to be together but we're two people who need to wait for the right time." Jungkook explained.

"What if there's never a right time?" You asked.

"There will be, trust me." He said as he smiled and gave you a gentle peck on the lips.

You smiled at him and turned your attention back towards the television. "Should we continue?" You asked.

"Duh, I gotta find out what happens." He chuckled as you unpaused the screen.

You snuggled into Jungkooks side as you both watched the show in front of you, enjoying each others company.


"That's the house, I'm sure of it." Chaewon said to the vampire and guards.

"This time we randomly attack during the day." Eunbi said.

"Why the day?" Chaewon asked.

"They won't expect us, especially if I'm gonna use my super speed to throw many smoke grenades in there to mess up their senses." Eunbi explained.

"O-okay." Chaewon said as she turned towards the house.

"We attack tomorrow at noon." Eunbi said, looking around at the group of guards.

"Chaewon, you grab Y/N."

Word count: 787

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