25. Become The Mole

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It was the next day and you were still separated from the boys, which meant that they still thought that you were dead.

You were still tied up in chains, your body bruised and sore from the recent beatings you got as a chained up prisoner.

Meanwhile, Jungkook and the boys discovered that they can link with no problem since their bodies are starting to get use to the low dosages of wolfsbane they received every other day.

During this short time they've been planning an elaborate plan to try and hopefully get out the facility.

"She's alive, I know she is." Jungkook linked confidently to the others.

"We still don't know where she is alpha." Namjoon linked back.

"I know, but when we escape we can track her scent." Jungkook linked to him.

Before Namjoon or any of the boys could say anything back the door to the lab that held them opened. The boys instantly turned away, life leaving their eyes as they made it seem like they were too weak to communicate with each other.

"You guys can stop acting like that you know.." A somewhat familiar, feminine voice said to them.

They each looked forward and instantly their faces changed to one of disgust.

"What do you want, Chaewon." Jungkook spat, it was more of a command than a question.

"I want to help you." Chaewon said in a small voice as she took a few more steps inside the lab.

"Why should we even trust you, your the reason we're here!" Jungkook shouted, the pent up anger finally getting to him.

Jin looked at Jungkook, his eyes telling him to tone it down.

"You think I wanted to do that?" Chaewon asked. "Did you honestly think I wanted to purposely find Y/N and her pack just to torture and kill them?" She said, her voice gradually getting louder as her tone got more angrier.

"It seems that way." Jungkook said sternly.

"That night me and Y/N made our escape, I jumped behind her so I could get shot instead of her." Chaewon stated as she looked down. "There's a lot of things that you guys don't know about us..." She said as her voice trailed off.

"Become the mole." Jungkook spoke up, cutting Chaewon off.

"Huh?" Chaewon said with a questioning look.

"Become the mole, find things out, and help us." Jungkook stated in an authoritative tone. "Tell us important information when we ask for it, and make sure our dose for wolfsbane stays the same." "And most importantly, don't get caught."  He added.

Chaewon nodded her head, "understood." She said. Chaewon nodded her head towards the door, indicating she had to leave. Jungkook nodded and soon Chaewon left the room.

"Is this a good idea?" Yoongi linked to Jungkook.

"I guess we'll find out." Jungkook linked back to him.

Word count: 492

This was a filler chapter so I hope it wasn't tooo trash

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