He is the youngest member of a world wide famous kpop boyband. Despite being so popular, the boys are still humble and friendly and trying to live as normal as possible and enjoy their twenties like any other young males. But is hard to trust peopl...
Y/N: So, we go see your grandma, go shopping, make breakfast – even if it's almost lunch, take Ben for a walk in the woods to get him tired, pack and get going... Am I missing something? You said to your best friend, as you were walking towards her grandma's house, while reading something on your phone.
Y/N: well??
You stop when your face hits something hard. You look up, silently cursing your bf for not stopping you walk into a wall or whatever you hit, when you're met with two brown eyes staring at you, as startled as yours.
Y/N: Oh...I'm soo sooo sorry!! I wasn't paying attention and..
You quickly step back taking in the group of boys looking at each other woridley and panting.. they're eyes quickly start moving between you and your friend and something behind them. You can tell they're uncomfortable and somehow scared, but what can scare 7 grown up mens so bad that they have to run away?
V: uuumm...no no it's my fault. Aaa...sorry sorry... are you ok?
You can clearly hear the worry in his voice. You smile softly and nodd, while you quickly look at each one of them. Your eyes land on the two boys at the back. The younger one seems hurt, he's knee is bleeding and he seems to struggle putting any weight on that leg. Sudden anger start bubbling in the pit of your stomach... What happened to them?! As your thoughts rumble in your head a bunch of screams come from down the road and makes you come back to the boys facing you.
V: (clearing his throat) look I really am sorry, but we need to go. He looks at the others and then turns back at you. Umm... Could you please point us to the main street? We change route to.. Umm.. He looks behind and then continues.. Anyway we might be lost.. He chuckles ashamed.
Now you can clearly see the mob of girls running towards you(still quite far away though) and finally realise who they are. You take another glance at the boy in the back, clearly in a lot of pain, and then look bact at the guy facing you.
Y/N: I can, but you won't make it. They're too close and..
JIMIN: Look, we need to go and we're fast enough. There's a car waiting for us there and is not like we have other options. Another boy jumps in and cuts you off. He seems annoyed and scared.
Y/N: You probably are fast enough but..how about him? You point out the boy in the back and he looks at you annoyed. Jimin follows your finger, concern taking over his feature as he takes in the blood covering his knee and jeans.
JK: I'll be fine, hyung!! This is nothing. He puts on a brave face and tries to step forward on his own, but stumbles the second he steps on the injured leg and a quiet curse slips his lips.
Y/N: You could hide there!you point out to the house behind you, your bf house. The gate is opened, the spare key for the door is in the flower pot next to the stairs. Get in and stay low and away from windows!!
They look at you surprised, and start arguing in Korean. The screams are getting louder so you butt in.
Y/N: Look, from what I see you have no choice. They're gonna get here in a second, and your friend there won't make it another 10 min of running so you can get to your car. You'll have to trust me!! I promise you I'll get them away from here.
They look at you, still unsure of what to do and then they slowly start nodding. You smile, relieved that they listened to you and as they start walking to the house you shout back:
Y/N: Oh.. 2 things.. 1. Be nice to Ben! And 2. call your driver and tell him to start driving as soon as he sees the mob. There's a hotel 20 min drive straight from here. He'll see the sign when he gets close.
They looked at you confused/
Y/N: If they see the car leaving they'll think you're gone. He can stop at the hotel, and come back to you as soon as things quiet down here. You quickly explain.
YBF/N: That's so smart!! she looks at you proudly. You smile back and look at the boys for an answer.
RM: Yeah..ok... he looks at you impressed, genuine smile on his lips. Will do, thank you!!
You give them a smug smile and wink and you can hear him mumble "Smartass!!" while laughing.
Your eyes are following them till they close the door behind them. As you turn to face your friend, the mob of fangirls stops in front of you. They look around panting, and one of them breaks from the group and comes to you.
FG: Heey, have you seen a group of handsome boys passing through here? she puts on an innocent smile and looks at you and your friend expectingly.
A flash of the boy barely standing up, face scrunched in pain passes through your mind and your gaze towards the girls turns murderous. You step forward but your friend grabs your wrist to hold you in place.
YF/N: Uh..yeah.. some guys just asked for directions to get back to the main road. They went that way, she points at the road behind you and turns back, but if you go straight you should get there about the same time! She smiles at the stranger and throws you a worried glance.
Y/N: umm...they said something about that hotel down the road! you join the conversation, trying to put on your sweetest smile and the best innocent face you can handle at the moment.
A squeal comes from the group when the girl goes back to them, now having more information then they hoped for. They start walking hurriedly in the direction you pointed, while shouting back thank you.
YBF/N: You OK? I thought you're gonna kill her there, for a second...
Y/N: Yeah.. I'm f-fine...
YBF/N: You're scarry!! I'm happy I'm not on your bad side!! She starts laughing, grabs your arm and draggs you toward her grandma's house.
Y/N: Wait..where are you going? We need to go back.. Bts...and Ben.. I don't know how.. She cuts you off and pats your back.
YBF/N: They're grown ups, they'll be fine. And Ben is friendly. Plus bunnies and doggos love each other!!she gives you a wink and you start giggling.
Y/N: That's true but..
YBF/N: No buts!! Plus, nanny is gonna be worried if we don't go and she will want to know what was all that craziness about. Imagine her walking in on us and 7 boys.. She'll have a heart attack. Is that what you want?
She looks at you pouting and you start walking towards the house again. "I guess they'll be OK 10 mins without us" you think to yourself.
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