Part 46

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Leaving that house without saying goodbye or at least hug Y/N was the hardest thing he had to do in his life. Or so he thought, until he's seen you smiling so sweetly at Suga while video chatting. In that second, his aching heart broke into a million pieces and he felt like someone punched him in the gut, knocking all the air out of his lungs. He was still staring at the now black screen when he felt Suga shaking him.

SUGA: ...kook, are you ok?

He blinks a few times, slowly moving his gaze from the empty screen. Suga looked worried.

JK: Y-yeah...they're all waiting for us in the practice room. I came to grab you.

SUGA: Kook, when did you sleep properly last time? You've been practising 24/7...

JK: I'm fine, Hyung! I want it to be good...I was having troubles with one of the moves...

He tries to shrug it away and turns to leave, but Suga knew better. He grabbed his wrist and turned him back to face him. He looked at him carefully, now seeing the bags under JK's red eyes and noticed how his wrist and whole body seemed smaller than usual.

SUGA: Yeah, you're not going anywhere young man!he said in a dangerous tone.

JK looked startled, he never heard Suga talking like that to anyone before.

JK: W-What?

SUGA: The only places you're going right now is your bed. Try get some sleep and I'll order you some food and bring it to your room.

JK: But..

SUGA: I'll deal with the others. Go...or I'll drag you to bed myself..

JK nodded and left Suga's room, walking like a child that has just been scolded by his mum.

JK nodded and left Suga's room, walking like a child that has just been scolded by his mum

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He tried to keep his mind busy since coming back from holiday, because of his heartache. It wasn't easy on him, as the others were always talking to y/n or video chatting, laughing happily and updating her on whatever was going on. So he started to avoid hanging out with the others, his only options were to be either in the practice room or the gym, wearing himself out. He was missing meals and was not able to sleep very well since his mind kept wondering to Y/N.

Once in his room, he lay on the bed and the tiredness hit the second his head touched the pillow, falling asleep immediately.


After scolding Jungkook for not taking care of himself he headed to the practice room, for an emergency meeting with the others. He told them everything, starting to the reason JK behaved like that towards you, how he's been overworking himself and missing meals. He also told them about you coming to Seoul trying to find a way to get you two to talk to each other.

After the brainstorming session they decided to keep it a secret from Jungkook at least for now and focus on his health, making sure he's not missing any more meals and getting enough rest.

He ordered some jajangmyeon for the maknae and went to check if he's in his room. He didn't knock at the door, not wanting to wake him up in case he actually listened and he was asleep.

He smiled content at the scene in front of him

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He smiled content at the scene in front of him. The younger was fast asleep, still wearing his practice clothes and shoes. He walked closer and gently tapped his shoulder. When he got no answer, he proceeded taking the boy's shoes off, then his jumper and pants, leaving him in his t-shirt and boxers and covering him with a blanket, tucking him in. He left the room and came back few moments later, leaving some water and vitamins on the bed table, for whenever Jungkook wakes up.


Jungkook was awakened by the annoying ray of sunshine that kept dancing in his eyes. He looked at the time and realized he slept more than 20 hours. He pushed the blanket off slowly and pushed his body up. He was very grateful when he found the water bottle and vitamins on his bed table.

<<GOLDENMAKNAE: "Thank you, Hyung!"

>>SUGA-Hyung: "Ah...He's alive...!"

>>SUGA-Hyung: " How are you feeling? What you want for breakfast?"

<< GOLDENMAKNAE: "Better...I'm not hungry though...I'll go take a shower..."

>>SUGA-Hyung: "My room, 15 min!"

>>SUGA-Hyung: "Hurry up!"

He put his phone down and hurried into the shower.

15 min later, a fresh grey t-shirt and grey sweatpants, slippers and wet hair he knocks on Suga's door and walks in

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15 min later, a fresh grey t-shirt and grey sweatpants, slippers and wet hair he knocks on Suga's door and walks in.

SUGA: Yah, since when you're such a good boy?

He laughs and ruffles his wet hair, jumping out of the way of the flying drops of water. He points him to the table, full of food, all of JK's favourites. Jungkook's eyes open wide at the view and his stomach starts making noises, which makes Suga laugh again.

SUGA: I can hear how hungry you're not..

Jungkook's face turns red and he sits quietly at the table, picking food and placing it in the plate in front of it.

SUGA: Do you want anything else?

JK: N-No... Thank you, Hyung!

After that, everyone was keeping an eye on JK, making sure he doesn't go back to overworking himself

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After that, everyone was keeping an eye on JK, making sure he doesn't go back to overworking himself. They also avoided talking to Y/N/about Y/N while he was around, now realising how much he's suffering about this whole situation.

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