Chapter 7

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You take a sit next to your friend while Jimin and Jungkook make peace with eachother and sit down at the other end of the sofa. They picked a movie while you were in the other room with JK, so you felt a little uneasy when you realized it's a horror movie, as you don't like watching them.

You cuddle a little closer to your friend and she looks up at you "Are you gonna be ok?"

Y/N: Y-Yeah....

The boys get comffy and they laugh at the horror movie clichees, making you relax a little. But just as you think you're ok with this movie, the bad guy suddenly appears with a chainsaw and scares one of the characters and you jump a little and grab your best friend's arm for safety. Next second your phone vibrates in your pocket, making you jump again.

You let go of YBF/N's arm and struggle to get the phone out. As the screen lights up a message pops up.

Unknown:" Are you scared?"

You look around but everyone seems focused on the movie, so you quickly type back "Who is this? "

Almost instantly another message lights up your screen: "That's said you'll always be there if I wanna talk and now you pretend to not even know me...💔"

You almost laugh at the heart broken emoji, and you look back at the group and sure enough JK is looking back at you with a little smirk. He waves the phone at you subtly, so the others don't notice him and then mouths "Hi" at you. You quickly type back

Y/N: "I'm not scared,  just don't really like horror movies..."

JK: "You should've said something...I bet they wouldn't mind picking something else..."

Y/N: " No, it's ok..."

You press send and turn your attention to the movie again, just as the chaisaw guy is chasing the girls through the woods. One of the trips and falls down and as the chainsaw guy is getting closer, you scrunch your face and cover your eyes with the pillow you didn't realise you're hugging. There's a shuffle in the room and someone gets up.

JK: Anyone wants more popcorn?

The group humms a "YESss" and he leaves the room to get some more. As he comes back with 4 packs of popcorn, he starts passing three of them around, keeping one for himself, then stops to whisper something in Hobbi's ear, and moves away from his sit and closer to you.


He was enjoying  the movie, actually thought it's more funny than scary, as they always watch horror movies when they have time. He kept thinking about earlier at his conversation with Y/N and for some reason he can't help but looking at you everytime you moves. And that's a lot, since you keept jumping or hiding your face everytime something happens in the movie. Noticing how scared you were and hoping to comfort you he messagged you.

JK:" Are you scared?"

He puts down the phone and he goes back to the movie, discretly watching you to see the reaction. As you lift your head to see if any of them texted you, his eyes are back on the tv, pretending not to notice anything.

"Who is this? "

His smile almost takes over his face at the question and as soon as he replies, he turns to watch you.

"That's said you'll always be there if I wanna talk and now you pretend to not even know me...💔"

You almost laugh at the heart broken emoji, and you look back at the group and sure enough JK is looking back at you with a little smirk. He waves the phone at you subtly, so the others don't notice him and then mouths "Hi" at you. You quickly type back

Y/N: "I'm not scared, just don't really like horror movies..."

JK: "You should've said something...I bet they wouldn't mind picking something else..."

Y/N: " No, it's ok..."

"Hmm.."he sights but lets it go. When the girls in the movie are running away from the chainsaw guy, JK takes a glance at you, and as he sees you hiding your face in the pillow in your arms he feels a sudden urge to protect you.  Trying to be subtle about it, he gets up and asks the room if anyone wants anymore popcorn.

When everyone hummed a yes, he quickly headded in the kitchen and grabbed some more bags. Heading back, he give some away but keeps one for himself. He starts headig towards the end you're sitting at, stopping to whisper in Hobbi's ear.

JK: Hyung...I need a favour...

HObbi: Hmm? he humms quietly, not taking his eyes off the tv.

JK: I need you to move a little..  At that, HObbi turns to look at JK and the youngest just looks toward you and shruggs a little... Please?🐰throwing his innocent buny smile at him. Hobbi just nodds, understandingly, and then starts pushing the guys the other way to get JK some space. The boys seem a little confused with the sudden movement, but Hobbi just shushed them and they comply.

JK gets next to you, leans on the arm rest and nudges you softly:

JK: Popcorn?

You look up at him from your pillow, surprised. He holds the popcorn in front of your face , smiling down at you. When you don't say anything or move, he starts shaking the bag at you.

JK: It's safe, I made it. He winks at you...and then moves his head to signal you to move a little so he can sit on the sofa next to you. He sits down next to you, propping the arm holding the popcorn on your knee, making it easier for you to reach if you wanted some. If you change your mind.. and he shakes the bag again and turns his attention to the movie.

 and he shakes the bag again and turns his attention to the movie

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