Part 45

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*phone rings*

You pick it up and see "Family" on the screen. You accept the video call.

Y/N: Hiii ^-^

MUM: Hi, baby! You ok? How's your holiday? You and YBF/N having fun?

Y/N: Yeah, 's been alright...our friends just left...we're getting ready to come back soon, too.

MUM: Oh, so soon?

Y/N:'s been a long week...

MUM: Oh, ok. How's my furry baby?

Y/N: He's enjoying the garden... (you turn the camera and show her Ben chasing a butterfly in the garden; she laughs)

Y/N: So...what's up ? You guys ok?

DAD: Yeah, we just wanted to see how you doing. You didn't call us ...we thought you forgot about us..(he pouts and you feel guilty)

Y/N: Sorry dad! We met some friends...and's been a little crazy around here...

DAD: Oh I see... too busy to talk to your parents? (speaking to our mum) Hey, maybe we should get a refund for that ...present...

Y/N: Present? What you talking about?

They both seem really excited...

Y/N: Mum?

MUM: know how you planned to go travel once you finish with your job?

Y/N: Mhmm...Y-Yeah...?

DAD: And you really wanted to go see that Chinese boy band you like so much ...what's the name again?


DAD: Ah..yes...that one..

Y/N: (eye roll) They're Korean, Dad! And..I don't know if I like them that much right now (you mumble to yourself, thinking about JK, then slapping yourself mentally..of course you do)

MUM: We...Got you tickets to their last* concert, in Seoul.

(*last concert as in the end of the tour...)

Y/N: What?!

DAD: We spent all night, last night..and we managed to get you tickets! Second row, right in front of the scene! ★.★

Y/N: I...uh..

MUM: It was the VIP Package, so you have tickets to the Fan Meeting after as well. There were other things included, but I can't remember what...

Y/N: (you smile awkwardly) Thanks!!

DAD: You don't seem as excited as I imagined you..

Y/N: Oh yeah...what did you imagine I'll do?

DAD: Don't know....jump around...scream maybe? he laughs at you.

Y/N: No...I am..I really am! I'm just tired... Seriously, thank you so much!! You try to sound more cheerful. It's an amazing surprise, just a bad timing to announce it.

MUM: We booked your hotel too...for two weeks...One before the concert, one after. And it's all inclusive.. All you need now is your plane tickets...and pocket money...

Y/N: Thank you, mum and dad! You give them a genuine smile.

DAD: Ok, we'll send you the tickets and booking details in a sec. Go get packing! And call us later!

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