Chapter 8

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You moved slightly so JK can sit next to you. When he puts his arm on your knee, you suddenly become aware of how close he is and feel little electric sparks moving through your body from where his arm is touching you. Your heart starts racing and you feel the heat spreading all over your body, as your eyes are checking JK from botttom to top. As your eyes find his face, you realize his mouth is moving and then, finally coming back from your thoughts, you catch his last words

JK: ...if you change your mind..

As you watch him turning back to the movie, you force yourself to do the same, hoping that will distract you from thinking about how his body is touching you. When the action in the movie gets even worse then before, you spend more time with your face in the pillow instead of actually watching the movie. JK notices it, and he shifts the bag in the other hand, looks around to see if anyone is watching him, then he yawns while streching his arms and as he puts them back down, he drops one on your shoulder squizing softly to comfort you. Your head snaps up in an instant, your breath is speeding scared from the touch and staring at his hand.  He leans in closer, his lips almost thouching your ear.

JK: It's ok, I'm here, you don't have to be scared.. he whispers so only you can hear him.

Still in shock, you turn your head to face him so fast that he didn't have time to pull back, so your noses are now touching. You stare at him, frozen, feeling your cheeks gettin hot and you're thanking the universe for the dark room because that means no one sees how red your face turned.  He doesn't move for a moment either, but when he hears your uneven breath, he assumes it's because you're scared so he pushes your face in the crook of his neck, gently patting your hair.

JK: I'll let you know when it's safe to watch.. he mumbled in your hair.

You can stil hear the girls screaming in the movie, so you turn your whole body to face him, to get more comfortable, knowing it will be a while for that scene to be over. As you cuddle closer into his body, he starts playing with your hair instead of patting your head, which makes you relax. Your mind starts wondering about, ignoring the sparks you can feel all over your body from where you two are touching, taking in the smell of his aftershave,  his slow breathing, his rithmic heart bit...slowly getting drowsy, till you can't hear anything but his heart beat as you slowly fall asleep in his embrace.

slowly getting drowsy, till you can't hear anything but his heart beat as you slowly fall asleep in his embrace

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When you turned so fast and your faces where so close, his mind went blanc for a few seconds, leaving him staring at your face, unable to move.  He wakes up from his daze at the sound of your breathing, realizing you must be really scared and he didn't have time to think, his arm moving on it's own accord, gently grabing your head and pushing it into his neck. He start patting your head, to comfort you, feeling a little awkard at the position, but too late to change his mind as he was the one to put you there. When you turned your body towards him, and cuddled closer, he relaxed a little and unconsiosly starting twirling strands of your hair on his finger.

JK:'s over now! You can look!

He grabbed your shoulder trying to turn you to the tv. He tried a few times and when he realised you fell asleep he just smiled to himself  and adjusted your head back on his shoulder, making sure you were comfy. He moved his hand on your shoulder, holding you close to him and used the other hand to grab the blanket over you. His hyungs were now watching him, whispering between them and chuckling at his soft side. JK squinted his eyes at them, trying to look annoyed and then put his tongue out. He turned his face back to the TV,  feeling his face turning red and leaned his head on yours.

When the movie ended, everyone was tired and yawning. YBF/N was explaining the sleeping situation and how someone will have to sleep on the sofa. BTS played theyr usual rock-paper-scissors to decide how they're sleeping.

 BTS played theyr usual rock-paper-scissors to decide how they're sleeping

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~ Bedroom 1, King sized bed (can fit 2 people ) : Nam-Joon & Jin

~ Bedroom 2, the girls bedroom ( 2 double beds, so can fit 2 people in each) : Jimin&Suga, Hobbi & Tae

~ Bedroom 3, bunk bed (can fit 2 people) : Y/N & YBF/N

~ Living room (1 sofa) : Jungkook

When everyone start moving Jungkook tried to wake you up again, but the movement only made you nuzzle his neck and drape your arm around him. He look at the others nervously, not wanting to wake you up, but not knowing how to fix this. YBF/N and Nam - Joon were the only ones left in the room with you and JK.

YBF/N: She is a deep sleeper. Nothing wakes her up once she's gone.


RM: You could pick her up and take her to bed..

JK's face flushed a deep shade of red at that.

JK: I-I can't j-just pick her up..she's asleep...What if she wakes up and struggles and I drop her?

RM: She can't be that heavy. he laughs at the younger's stutter.

JK: That's not what I meant!! 

RM: Well  then you can sit there till she wakes up! You can both sleep here..

He wiggled his eyebrows at JK and then left to his assigned room. JK sat there thinking what to do, he tried to lift you in his arms, but the movment made you moan in your sleep and scrunch your face cutely. He sights at the sound and look on your face and stops, pulling the blanket back over you.

JK: I'll wait up till she moves or wakes... He looks at your friend, defeated.  I can't wake her up, she's done so much for us today..I feel bad..

YBF/N: Your choice, I'll be in my room .. she shrugs and walks away, the dog waking up from under the table and following her. Just before she closed the door, she turns back and stare him firmly in the eyes: If you do anything to her...I'll kill you!!and she imitates the chainsaw guy's moves from the movie, I have one around here somewhere.. She tries to keep a serious face, but seeing the younger boy's eyebrows raise in surprise she fails and starts laughing. Good night, Jungkook!with that she turns off the light and closes the door, leaving you and JK alone.

Jungkook decided to watch TV till you wake up. He was scrolling through the channels without succes, when he stummbled into a anime channel and decided to watch it until you wake up.

 He was scrolling through the channels without succes, when he stummbled into a anime channel and decided to watch it until you wake up

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