He is the youngest member of a world wide famous kpop boyband. Despite being so popular, the boys are still humble and friendly and trying to live as normal as possible and enjoy their twenties like any other young males. But is hard to trust peopl...
You look around the table and realise everyone is tired and hot and sweaty.
Y/N: So...You guys have two options.
They all look up at you groaning and mumbling that they don't wanna do anything and you start laughing.
Y/N: Oh, I bet you'd like my ideas. (they look doubtful but stop the mumbling to let you continue) So...we can either go (and they start whining again and you roll your eyes and talk louder) inside and turn the air con on so you stop suffering or.. (and now you have all the attention) we can all go change and enjoy the swiming pool and cool down.
Everyone chooses pool, as yesterday the hyung line didn't get to try it and they start talking about making cocktails and maybe some sandwiches and definitly icecream. You smile at their sudden excitment.
Y/N: There's one condition though! Everyone needs to shower first...I don't wanna swim in your sweat! you scrunch our nose and point at Junkooks forhead and giggle.
JK: Oh?
JHOPE: I thought women like a dirty, sweaty manly man...lies..all lies!! he laughs.
TAE: Oh, so we're not sexy in our concerts..cuz we get all sweaty because of the choreo... he sais with a tiny sad voice.
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Y/N: Uhm....( a few flashbacks of them doing the bapsae and fake love choreo while they're all hot and sweaty flashes in your head and you blush)...th-that is di-different! you manage trying to shake the flashbacks away. They all laugh at your reaction.
JK: So...what is it? Sexy or gross? he leans closer to your hand, still streched in his direction.
Y/N: (you look around the table, they're all waiting for the answer; you look back at JK's smirking face and gulp) It's..uhm..g-gross.
As you say that, he leans closer and wipes his forhead on your hand an quickly gets up, putting some distance between you two. You gasp, shocked by his action.
YBF/N: Oh no, you didn't! she starts laughing seeing your reaction.
YBF/N:I would probably start running before she recovers from the shock! She is pretty fast! she warns Jungkook still laughing.
He sits there, staring at you, giggling cutely, until you look him straight in the eyes.
Y/N: JEON JUNGKOOK! you shout and he flinches. Everone starts laughing and as you push your chair and get up JK bolts for the house.
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