Chapter Thirty-Four: Nothing

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(The song above is the song of the Eternal Dance)

The plan was simple: capture everyone in Ostus with enchanting spells, signal when they are ready, and leave the hard work to the other mages

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The plan was simple: capture everyone in Ostus with enchanting spells, signal when they are ready, and leave the hard work to the other mages.

Dabi thought this would be easy enough.

No one notices a huge abundance of small groups in Ostus. After all, this was a great shopping district and tourist attraction: a must-see for any adventurer. No one would question them. It wasn't hard for Dabi to stroll through, stand in the center of one of the many squares, and conjure an eternal dance.

No one even noticed him.

His song was seductive: consisting of an easy tempo and plenty of unique instruments, such as guitars and castanets. When he first performed his song for the rest of the mages, he was praised endlessly for the lure and attraction he emitted. They said the song sounded like royalty.

Scratch that - Muscular said that the song sounded like royalty, most likely to tease him.

People were crowding around him, but Dabi did not spare them a glance. Instead, he was staring at the castle. It could replace the rising sun on the horizon and no one would say it looked different. It was the peak of Ostus, the light and life of everything. That castle was everything Emberium had to offer and more.

Dabi hated it.

His skin was crawling just by looking at it. When he blinked, he saw himself running through those halls, tripping over himself in the night, fleeing and hiding from the knights that caught him escaping. He didn't care where he was going. He didn't care what his future looked like. He didn't care... he didn't care... he didn't care!

The guitars in his song suddenly sharpened.

Dabi forced himself to break out of his thoughts, and the instruments were in tune again. He shot his hands up and started to dance to his song.

A part of him was feeling gleeful again. His kingdom... his king was about to pay. All these people were trapped in his dance, and unknowing people who left their homes were immediately captured.

Only three people were protected: a royal knight, a Draconic gunslinger, and the witch who saved them.

Uraraka pressed her hands to her head, her breaths rapid and quick. She couldn't think of who caused this or why, but she knew someone was plotting. Why else would they want to capture everyone in the area around them?

"We can't just leave the rest of them out there!" Kaminari shouted. "Our friends are out there! And I can't even see them! We don't know if they're ok! What are we going to-"

𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝓨𝓸𝓾'𝓵𝓵 𝓑𝓮 𝓜𝔂 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷 (BNHA/BKDK Fantasy AU) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now