Chapter 1

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Three Weeks Earlier

I'm sorry Joe, but I can't do this anymore,
You're a great guy but I don't love you. I never did, I was using you to get what I wanted. And let's be honest Joe, you're not that good in bed so I got bored easily.
Have a nice life,

Mara Tinker.

Great. What a way to wake up. I'd just been dumped. And by text. Way to make someone feel so small and shit about themselves. Composing myself, I tell myself not to cry. She is just some girl, Sugg. I try to convince myself. I mean, yeah, she's just a girl. A girl I've been with for two years.

Now what do I do!?

I know.

''Casp, Byrooonn?'' I call to my two South African room-mates, making my way downstairs.

''In here, bru.'' Caspar calls back. Following the voice, it leads me to the kitchen. ''Morning, bru.''

''Yeah, morning.'' I sigh.

''Are you alright, buddy?'' Casp asks.

''Not really no. Here, read this.'' I chuck him my phone, as he reads the message.

''Shit man, that sucks. And by text too. Heartless bitch.'' He shakes his head.

''It is what it is.'' I shrug.

''Her loss is some wonderful girl's gain.'' Byron smiles.

Shrugging, I speak. ''Nah, I'm gonna stop looking bro. If my dream girl is really out there, then I won't need to look. For now, I'm on a girl detox.'' If my dream girl really is out there, she'll find me. I won't need to look.

''Not even any one night stands?'' Byron asks.

''Maybe? If I'm drunk enough. But for now, no relationships,'' I shrug. ''Anyway, enough about me wallowing, lets go out tonight. Get absolutely pissed.''

''Are you sure that's a good idea, bru?'' Caspar asks.

''Maybe not, but I need to forget about her.''

''OK, I guess a few won't hurt.'' They both laugh. Yeah right boys, a few.

/ / / /

''Well that went well.'' I sigh, running a finger through my hair.

It was the next morning and I'd taken some random blonde back for a shag. Yes, I was pissed. And, I woke to a note. Basically saying I was a shit shag and she's had better.

Face it Joe, you're boring.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm even into girls. Maybe I should try turning gay? I mean, I've had more drunk gay guys hit on me than drunk straight women. Maybe it's a sign? Maybe my brain is trying to tell me something.

No, Joe, you are NOT gay!

Now, you're just being silly. No way in hell am I gay, or even going to try that option.

The thought of it makes my blood curdle and some sick to crawl up my throat. Not that I have a problem with gay's. I do not. No way. I have a couple of gay friends. I just know that it is not an option for me.

Logging onto my laptop in my room, I see my sister Zoe has uploaded her latest youtube video. She is a Youtuber. I was in her latest video, and I was surprised by the comments.

Your brother is hilarious.

Your brother is cute.

Joe should start a channel, I'd most certainly watch.

Who is that hottie?

I blushed at the last one.

Maybe I should start my own channel?

It's a massive risk. I'm a roof Thatcher at the moment. Working for my uncle's business. That is a proper, real job. Would I get criticised for having a job as a Youtuber? Someone who makes videos?

I'm really conflicted. What do I do?

/ / / /

'OK, Zo I think I'll do it. I'd spoken to my sister who told me to go for it, but to keep my Thatching on the side in case it all goes tits up.

With the help of Zoe and her old, hand me down camera, ThatcherJoe was born.

Now, to find out if I'm successful.

Three Weeks Later

My Youtube channel had kicked off. I was surprised. I mean, I'm such an awkward twenty year old, who looks like a twelve year old boy. But people seem to like that. So, here I was, waiting on news on the place I'm renting with Byron and Caspar in London. Yes that's right. London.

I'd decided that London would be better for my career, as if I do become really successful, then I'm better off there. For meetings, business opportunities, and more.

''Joe. Joe. Joe.'' Caspar comes running into the living room, almost falling over in the process.

I held in a laugh, as he sits next to me. ''We got it.''

''Got what? The flat?'' He nods.

''Yeah, the landlord accepted it.''

''Oh my God, I guess this is really happening. We're moving to London.''

''We are. Hey,'' I jump. ''how about we celebrate with a lads holiday?''

''A lads holiday?'' He nods. ''Where did you have in mind?''

''I dunno... Anywhere you fancied?''

''I've always fancied going to Italy.'' I admit. What twenty year old single straight guy doesn't fancy meeting a gorgeous Italian?

''Then Italy is where we shall go. Have a look online at deals. Book it, and I'll send ya my half of the money.''

I nod, as he runs off somewhere. I chuckle to myself, before opening my laptop and looking at deals.


Stood out to me. In big, bold letters.

Rome, hey?

Booking the flights and hotel, I smile to myself.

This holiday was exactly what I needed.

It would also take an unexpected turn, I just didn't know it yet.


Hey, guess who's back?

I'm really excited about this story and I'd love your feedback on it.

Any ideas, or criticism good or bad is always welcome.

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I'm going to try and update at least once a day, but I'm super busy with work so I may not be able to.

See ya on the flip side!

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