Chapter 4

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A.N I've decided instead of putting Joe or Dianne's POV I'll just put the picture at the top of who's POV it is, as I cba with adding it in 😂

Ow my head. I groan as I roll over, knocking into someone. I smile when I realise who it is. Dianne. God. Last night was amazing. She's amazing. I bite my lip. How have I not met her before? Where has she been all my life?

I rest my hand on my chin, as I stare at her. In a non creepy way, of course. The way her red hair is sprawled across the pillow. The way her eye lashes flutter when she takes a breath. One hand rested on her chest, the other behind her head. How can one human being be so beautiful? Like, a complete natural beauty. I got a strange feeling in my stomach. Was it butterflies? Surely not? Is there really such a thing as love at first sight?

I shake those thoughts away as Dianne rolls over, snuggling into me. I smile as I place a kiss on her forehead.

I play with her hair, hearing her sigh before opening one eye. "Mornin'." I smile.
"Morning." She giggles.
I needed to address the whole elephant in the room. "So," I sit up, Dianne laid in my arms. "any regrets?"

She shakes her head. "None at all. Why would there be?" She smiles.
I shrug. "I dunno its just," I pause. "every girl I've ever been with. Whether that be a one night stand, or a relationship, have always humped and dumped me. Apparently I'm a 'shit shag.''' I finish.

Leaning her body closer to me, she speaks.
"Well," She starts. "those girls need checking out, they clearly have something wrong with them. Because I can tell you now Joe Sugg, you are definitely not a shit shag. I heard what you said last night, y'know," I pull a face. "about you being a shit shag. If you really were shit Joe, would we have had sex four times last night?" I shake my head. "Would I have orgasmed four times last night?" Again, I shake my head. "Would I have screamed your name so loud that the neighbours could have heard, if I thought you were a shit shag?" I smirk. "Trust me, I'm only loud like that if I enjoy it. And I definitely wasn't faking it, believe me." I smirk, as her fingers tickle my bare chest.

"What are you doing to me, Buswell?" I sigh.
"What are you doing to me, Sugg?" She smiles. "Trust me I've never, and I mean never, felt like this before. Whatever this is. It may be a summer fling, but all I know is, I don't want it to end. Not yet, at least."
"I don't know what is going on either, but I definitely want to see where it goes. Let's just enjoy this week, and take it from there, OK?" She nods. "Now, Buswell, it's time for breakfast."
"Noooo. I don't wanna get up. You're so warm and snuggly." She buries her head in my chest.
"Come on beautiful, up." I whisper, kissing her hair.
"Make me," She smirks. I smirk, as I go to tickle her. "AH JOE STOP," She laughs. "Alright I'll get up. Just please stop, I need a wee" She giggles.
"Ew," I laugh, pulling a funny face. "Go on, go have a shower you smell like sex." I wink as she blushes.

/ / / /

"Well look who finally decided to show up," Caspar smirks, as I sit down on the sun lounger. "Good night last night?" He winks.

I just hit him. "Oww."
"Shut up, Caspar." I mumble, my cheeks becoming flush.
"Woah, someone's blushing. I've never seen Sugg blush before. What is she doing to you?" He smirks.
"Honestly Casp, I don't know. She's just..
Amazing. Beautiful. Funny. Makes my heart flip. I'm a fool for her, Casp, I really am." I admit. I smile so big.

"Joe, you're getting way too over your head. You're not thinking straight. You only broke up with Mara three weeks ago, you're still getting over her. Surely Dianne's just a rebound." Byron says.
"A what!?" I hear Dianne say.
"Save it!" She snaps, running off.
"Nice one, bro," I shake my head, going after her. "Dianne." I call. Where the hell could she be!?


I follow the sounds. Hearing her footsteps, I walk up to her. "Dianne," I go to speak.
"Am I a rebound? Joe, am I a fucking rebound?" She yells.
"No of course you're not. What Byron said isn't true. I don't even think about her anymore." I admit. She was out of my mind now. Dianne now occupying it. In my eyes, she doesn't exist. Not anymore. Dianne takes up all the space in there now.
"Really?" She sniffs.
"100%. Mara who?" I laugh . "I only know a Dianne," I smile. "Look, I know what you're thinking. A guy comes on holiday with his mates to forget about his ex, meets a beautiful redhead, who he can't get out of his head. Goes on a date with her, sleeps with her, and she thinks that is that. No more. The rebound girl, am I right?" She nods.
"I'll admit, I did think that. I mean can you blame me? You were with her for two years Joe, and I know deep down you loved her. It was only three weeks ago she dumped you. So yes, it did cross my mind for a split second. And hearing your friend say those words, scared me. It scared me to think that you were like them Joe. Like all my exes. Like to you, last night didn't mean anything and I was just a toy. I don't know what is going on with me, or us. But I do know that I want to continue getting to know you, but if you're not interested, then you know where the door is." She finishes.

I take her hands in mine and stare straight into her beautiful brown eyes."Dianne. My sweet, sweet Di," I kiss her hand. "Firstly, I know I was with her for two years but I was 18, Di. I was younger back then. She didn't give me butterflies, not like yo-" I pause.
"Not like who?" She pushes.
"Not like you." I whisper.
"Continue." She blushes.
"Secondly, she's out of my mind now. I don't know who she is anymore. She's someone else's problem now, not mine. And thirdly, last night for me, was one of the best nights of my life. I've never had sex like that. Ever. My god Dianne, you give good head," She blushes."I would have had sex with you all night if I could and not get bored.

You're amazing Dianne, and my friends are idiots. I promise you, you are not a rebound.
I want to get to know you. Properly. Let me take you around Rome, see the sights together."

She nods, wrapping her arms around me. I pull her close to me and kiss her.
"Thank you." She whispers.
I just smile. "Can I see a picture of her?"
"Of who?" I ask, confused.
"Mara. I want to see what she looks like, so I can feel better knowing she's out of your head. And then I won't be jealous anymore."
I nod. "Alright, let me see if I can find one," I went onto her Facebook page, as I'd deleted everything Mara related as soon as we broke up. "Here's what looks like, her recent one." I show her.

"She's beautiful

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"She's beautiful." She sighs.

Shutting Facebook off, I turn to her. "No," I shake my head. "You're beautiful." I kiss her lips.

She smiles, resting her head on my shoulder, as I take her hand and intertwine our fingers together. "Come on, let's go explore."

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